19 Top WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Ideas & Examples

Best WhatsApp marketing campaign ideas include exclusive offers, product launches, personalized recommendations, limited-time deals, and seasonal offers.

19 Top WhatsApp Marketing Campaign Ideas & Examples

Can you tell how many users it takes for a platform to transform into an obvious marketing avenue? The answer is 2 billion because that’s how many people use WhatsApp every month on average.

WhatsApp has become one of the most used communication platforms not only for people but also for businesses. This makes it an obvious choice for you to run marketing campaigns to improve customer engagement to boost sales.

To make the most of WhatsApp and its monstrous user base, you need to have solid engagement strategies and be ready with marketing ideas that will grab the attention of users.

That’s why in this article, I will tell you the benefits of using WhatsApp as a marketing channel and the 19 best marketing campaign ideas to increase your market reach and maximize engagement. Let’s start by understanding the advantages of using WhatsApp for marketing.

Benefits of using WhatsApp for marketing

WhatsApp marketing offers numerous benefits if you are looking to engage with your audience effectively. With its widespread usage and popularity, WhatsApp provides a direct channel for you to connect with your customers in real time. Having said that, here are some of the benefits of using WhatsApp for marketing:

Expand market reach

WhatsApp is one of the most heavily used applications in the world with millions of daily users and 100 billion messages being sent every day according to Will Cathcart, Head of WhatsApp. 

By using WhatsApp, you can leverage these users from all over the globe to grow your business’s target market and ensure consistent lead generation. 

However, to run effective WhatsApp marketing campaigns, you need a dynamic marketing solution. Zixflow is a marketing and sales engagement platform. Zixflow’s visual campaign builder enables you to create powerful campaigns to reach out to a wider audience.

Zixflow’s visual WhatsApp marketing campaign builder to set up and run tailored outreach campaigns.

Direct communication

WhatsApp serves as a medium to communicate with your customers directly, making it easy to establish relationships to sell your products effectively. 

Also, by having a direct channel for conversing with your customers, you can offer personalized customer support should they come across any problems


Unlike traditional messaging, where you have to pay per message, WhatsApp utilizes internet data for sending messages. This can significantly lower communication costs. This aspect is particularly helpful if you want to reach customers globally or send a high volume of messages.

Increased conversions

WhatsApp can play a major role in increasing your conversion rate because of its simplicity and ease of use. Plus, the fact that WhatsApp has an outstanding 98% open rate, according to current WhatsApp business statistics, further proves how important it is to your business.

WhatsApp simplifies the process of contacting leads, engaging them with various types of content, and converting them into customers. By sending direct messages and promptly replying to any questions asked by the recipients, WhatsApp can allow you to boost conversions and your bottom line.

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Best WhatsApp marketing campaign ideas

Now that you understand the advantages of utilizing WhatsApp for executing marketing campaigns, next, let’s see some campaign ideas that will give insight into different ways to interact with your potential customers.

Exclusive offers and discounts

One of the most common types of advertising messages sent on WhatsApp, special offers or discount deals can instantly grab the attention of the users, resulting in increased engagement. For example, OnePlus, a smartphone and accessories company, offers special discount deals on its new products to increase conversions.

Exclusive discount offer from OnePlus.

Discount offers work because they are enticing and by tailoring these offers to the needs of individuals, you boost your chances of getting a conversion. To make sure that these deals work in your favor, make them attractive and provide real value to your audience. 

There are several types of discount offers that you can use based on your offerings. Here are a few of them:

  • Percentage discounts: Offer a flat percentage off on purchases made through a unique promo code provided via WhatsApp
  • Limited-time offers: Time-sensitive deals that create a sense of urgency, encouraging your audience to make decisions quickly.
  • Buy-one-get-one-free (BOGO) deals: Provide a similar or complementary free item when a customer buys a particular product or service.

You can choose a type of discount according to offerings. Remember that when sending exclusive offers, create a balance between the benefits you are providing to your prospects and maintaining profitability for yourself. Assess the impact of these offers on your bottom line constantly to ensure they are viable in the long run.

Product launch teasers

Product launches are a great way to generate excitement for an upcoming product or service. These messages involve giving a sneak peek to your target audience in the form of hints or glimpses of a new product to build hype. 

To effectively utilize product launch teasers, you have to develop teaser content depending on your sales engagement model. This could include videos, images, or captivating descriptions that showcase the features of your new offering. After you have created sufficient content, share it gradually over time to build anticipation. 

As time passes, you can create a countdown leading up to the official launch. Disclose a release date and include a clear CTA to encourage prospects to sign up to stay updated. This way you can ensure that interested users don’t miss the opportunity to be the first to purchase your new product.

Contests and giveaways

Another one of the famous WhatsApp marketing message types, contests allow you to engage your audience in a fun way and fuel its competitive spirit. The participants are rewarded with prizes for certain criteria or for completing specific tasks. These campaigns can be highly effective in driving engagement, increasing brand awareness, and fostering a sense of excitement.

A great and simple example of a contest could be the spin-the-wheel challenge. Where participants can win a variety of prizes by spinning a wheel. The prize can be anything like a free trial, limited-time memberships, or a discount on their next purchase. 

Furthermore, adding a link to your website in the WhatsApp message that you sent can bring visitors to your site, further increasing engagement. These community-driven events can facilitate a feeling of belonging and help you retain customers.

Influencer collaboration

Influencer collaborations can be a powerful strategy for boosting engagement in your WhatsApp marketing campaigns. 

Partnering with sales influencers or other ones who have a relevant audience in your industry, you can tap into their reach and credibility to promote your brand. 

For example, if you are selling fitness apparel or sportswear, you can collaborate with a fitness influencer. As their primary audience is the people interested in fitness, they are much more likely to become your customers.

In order to have a collaborative partnership, you first need to find a relevant influencer. Once that is done, you can move to create content for your WhatsApp campaign and send it to both of your audiences. 

Personalized recommendations

Personalized recommendations are a powerful way to engage your WhatsApp subscribers by providing them with tailored product suggestions based on their preferences and behavior. This is a great strategy for marketing on channels like WhatsApp especially for e-commerce businesses. 

Personalized recommendations from the fashion brand AJIO. 

Personalized recommendations enhance overall customer experience, increase engagement, and drive conversions by showcasing products that are most likely to appeal to their tastes. In addition to that, showcasing products based on their previous buying patterns through retargeting campaigns via WhatsApp will help you in retaining customers.

But to implement this approach, you need to have your buyers' data to tailor your suggestions. And Zixflow is the solution for that. It is sales engagement software that comes packed with a sales CRM platform to let you save and manage your leads' information.

Zixflow’s sales CRM platform to manage your prospects.

You can use this central database with details and history of past conversations to customize your WhatsApp messages to drive maximum engagement. And if you are having trouble managing your contacts’ data, you can take a look at this video.

Provide updates with newsletters

Providing updates through a newsletter is an excellent way to reach out to your WhatsApp subscribers and keep them informed about the latest news and promotions. 

WhatsApp newsletters allow you to maintain regular communication with your subscribers as they provide a channel to share meaningful information to help build brand loyalty.

To design a newsletter, you have to determine the frequency of your newsletter (weekly, biweekly, or monthly) based on your content availability and subscribers' preferences. 

After that, begin crafting the content, and be sure to include a CTA to bring visitors to key landing pages. Also, remember to optimize it for mobile devices as WhatsApp is primarily used on smartphones. For example, you can take a look at this post that goes over the best sales blogs and newsletters to get an idea.

Interactive quizzes

Quizzes are an interactive way to bring liveliness to your WhatsApp campaign and encourage active participation. 

For instance, if you are running an eCommerce store specifically focused on clothing, then you can create a quiz about the kinds of styles your audience likes to wear for different seasons. This way, you will be able to gather data about individuals and their choices to further tailor your offers for higher chances of conversions.

However, keep in mind to make your quizzes concise and aligned with your brand's tone. By incorporating interactive quizzes into your WhatsApp marketing campaign, you can not only boost engagement but also educate your audience and create an enjoyable experience for your audience.

Provide assistance

WhatsApp messages can also be used to offer timely support and personalized assistance to your customers' queries using business message templates. With WhatsApp, you can aim to provide a quick initial response acknowledging their message and letting them know that you are there to assist them. 

For example, if a customer asks you about the availability of a particular product, you can respond within minutes thanking them for their interest and confirming that you are checking the stock availability. And if the product is available, you can then follow up with product details and a CTA to ensure a sale.

Lidl uses WhatsApp to provide answers to the questions of its customers.
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Limited-time deals

Limited-time offers are an amazing strategy to create urgency and make use of a sales psychology tactic known as fear of missing out (FOMO) to compel your target market to take immediate action. By providing exclusive limited-period deals, you can incentivize your audience to make a purchase and engage with your brand quickly.

Limited-time deals message from Myntra.

Flash sales, a type of limited-time offer, are used by businesses to clear stocks and increase sales. Here, you give your audience a time-bound offer, such as a percentage off, free shipping, or bundle deals, and encourage them to make quick decisions. In fact, research on this subject showed that flash sales affect a person’s psychological response and can lead to impulse purchasing.

Send transactional details

Sending transactional or confirmation information after an order confirmation ensures transparency and builds credibility with customers. It has become a common practice to send confirmation messages to customers after a successful purchase. 

Order confirmation WhatsApp message to keep your customer updated.

Sending transactional messages via WhatsApp lets create a convenient communication channel, keeping your customers informed and engaged throughout the buying process. Since transactional data is extremely sensitive, make sure that you have the necessary permission and comply with data protection regulations. 

Utilize curated content

“Content is not king, but a president elected by the votes of those whom it aims to rule.” 

Content is the backbone of every marketing strategy and WhatsApp is no different. If you want to engage your WhatsApp subscribers in the long run, you need to have a content marketing strategy in place. It will allow you to regularly send high-quality, relevant content to your brand fresh in their minds.

With content curation, you can deliver valuable information by selecting content pieces from trusted sources that your audience will find useful and engaging. This way, you can establish your business as a source of information and build rapport to sell more effectively.

On top of that, curating content saves you time and effort compared to creating content from scratch. Instead of constantly looking for new ideas, you can leverage existing content that aligns with your audience’s interest. This will enable you to maintain a consistent content schedule and provide regular updates.

Share testimonials

Testimonials and reviews are a powerful way to build credibility and trust among your audience. Testimonials provide social proof and demonstrate the positive experiences of your previous customers. 

When your potential customers see positive feedback from satisfied customers, it helps in building confidence in your brand. They act as endorsements that reassure prospects that they are making the right choice by choosing your offerings.

For this reason, be sure to include a CTA at the end of your testimonials so that if an individual decides to make a purchase after reading it, they can do so easily.

Incorporate videos 

Videos are highly engaging and capture the attention of users more efficiently than text or images alone. By adding videos to your marketing initiatives, you can create compelling content that grabs interest by encouraging your prospects to watch them. They also allow you to visually highlight your products and services and simplify the sales process for every type of sale.

For example, Tanishq, a leader in jewelry and luxurious accessories, sends WhatsApp messages with a promotional video to engage the readers and compel them to inquire more about the product.

WhatsApp message example from Tanishq with a promotional video to interact with contacts.

On top of that, WhatsApp is a combination of communication and social media platforms. This means engaging videos have the potential to be shared widely within WhatsApp by your target audience. Viewers are more likely to share valuable videos with their friends and family, resulting in increased market reach and viral exposure for your company. 

Execute referral campaign

Referral campaigns encourage your existing customers to spread the word about your business in their circle, leading to increased brand visibility. As more people are introduced to your company, it increases the likelihood of getting new customers as they are recommended by someone whom they trust.

For example, UberEats offers a referral program to acquire new customers and get more downloads for its mobile application. It allows its current users to share the referral code via WhatsApp instead of more famous mediums like email. 

UberEATS referral program code, which can be shared on WhatsApp. (source: Extole)

Send reminders

Reminders are usually used when the user initiates the conversation but doesn’t complete the required action. For instance, a customer asked for product details but didn’t move to the next stage of the sales pipeline. Or if they added items to their cart but didn’t finish the purchase. 

WhatsApp campaign example of sending reminders to your contacts to keep them informed.(Source)

In these cases, you can send reminder messages to clearly communicate the action that you want them to take along with its benefits. Always add a CTA to the reminders so that it is easy for the customer to complete the said action. 

Seasonal campaigns

Seasonal campaigns leverage the excitement and unique aspects of specific holidays to capture the audience’s attention and boost participation. During this time, people have heightened emotions and purchasing behaviors, making them more receptive to engaging and buying your offerings.

Fresh & Hearty offering seasonal Black Friday deals on WhatsApp.

These campaigns provide a chance to build relationships to help you sell down the line. Plus, offering exclusive WhatsApp deals at the time of festivals will make your target market feel valued, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

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Send expert tips and advice

Another useful idea that you can use to foster engagement is to send expert tips and tricks about particular products or services that will make your customer’s life easier. Not just that. By sharing information related to your industry or niche, you position your business as a knowledgeable and reputed authority. 

Sharing meaningful tips ensures that your audience derives value from being part of your community. These kinds of messages can spark conversation and ask questions, seek clarifications, or share their experiences. This interaction further strengthens your relationship and highlights the fact that your sales strategy is more customer-centric rather than product-centric.

Conduct Q&A

An extension to sharing tips and advice, Q&A sessions will allow you to interact with your customers in a more personal manner by answering their questions and addressing their concerns. 

For example, you can send a date and time when you will be conducting a Q&A session along with the link to a WhatsApp group that you created specifically for this event. Participants can then ask questions for the duration of the event about the pre-determined topic.

By conducting Q&A events, you can demonstrate your expertise and interact with your audience at the same time. This will allow you to position yourself as a thought leader and an expert within your niche. 

Customer survey and feedback

Surveys and feedback are crucial in WhatsApp marketing campaigns as they allow you to ask important sales-qualifying questions to understand needs and optimize your strategies accordingly. By collecting feedback directly from customers, you can identify gaps in your products or services and make informed decisions on how to improve.

Customer experience survey message by Goibibo.

So if you actively listen to your target audience and act upon their feedback, you can enhance sales engagement and deliver a superior customer experience.

Skyrocket engagement with these WhatsApp campaign ideas

Phew, that was a lot of ideas. As you can see in this article, WhatsApp campaigns have emerged as a tool to increase engagement and drive business success. 

The key to a successful WhatsApp marketing campaign lies in knowing your audience and building a strategy around that to foster stronger connections and boost visibility.

One last thing that I want to tell you before you implement these ideas is that you will need an outbound sales platform to execute your campaign. That’s why, you can use Zixflow, where you can run not only WhatsApp but email and SMS campaigns as well. Take advantage of the free plan today and see how it can take both your engagement and revenue to the next level.

All trademarks mentioned belong to their respective owners. For instance, "WhatsApp" and its logo are trademarks of WhatsApp, LLC, used here for reference only under Fair Usage Policy. We make no claim of ownership.

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