Drive growth with Zixflow Email Finder

Avoid the hassle of scouring the web to find your contact's email addresses with our Email Finder.

Trusted by 1000+ companies around the world

Discover the right email addresses your business needs effortlessly

One-click Email Finder

Select contacts in a list and click on Email Finder to easily find their emails based on the combination of their full name and company.

Find emails

Turn contacts into connections

Use these email IDs to run personalized outreach campaigns and build meaningful connections to grow your business.

Run campaigns

Engage with cadence

Add email addresses to your cadence and engage your contacts effortlessly.

Discover more about Zixflow

Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Email validation

Validate whether the email address is deliverable or not with our Email Validator.

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Capture your audience’s details with Zixflow's customized Forms.

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Build smart cadences to automate outreach at each touchpoint.

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Quality data security

We handle every security and privacy measure seriously, and our servers are hosted in world-class data centers.

Meeting Scheduling - Startech X Webflow Template

Leading privacy measures

Zixflow features end-to-end encryption, passwordless authentication, and login audit logs to ensure maximum security.

Email Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Peak performance

Use Zixflow for promotional campaigns or integrate our API and reach millions with a click.

Consolidate tools Cut costs

No need to worry about a dozen different tools. Zixflow is your one-stop shop for all your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support or sales team.

How does Email Finder work?

The Email Finder uses the concept of permutations and combinations to find different email addresses of contacts using their name and the company they work at. Once it finds a valid email ID, it saves that to the list for you to use.

Why should I use Email Finder?

The Email Finder eliminates the need to manually look through public databases or employee directories to find the email addresses of your contacts. It does all the heavy lifting so you can save countless hours and effort.

Are there any restrictions on how many emails I can find?

No. There are no restrictions on how many email addresses you can find with Zixflow Email Finder. it works with pay-per-use wallet system. So, discover unlimited emails and keep expanding your email lists.

How accurate are the emails found by the Email Finder?

Although the Email Finder always finds valid email addresses, if a company has two employees with the same name, it might fetch the wrong email ID. Apart from that, you can expect to find emails with an accuracy rate of over 94%.

Expand your email lists with our Email Finder