One Inbox for every conversation

Manage and view all your messages from within a unified Inbox, allowing you to send prompt replies.

Trusted by 1000+ companies around the world

A single place for your communication and notifications

Super-fast responses

With Zixflow Inbox, you can easily respond to every incoming message from a centralized location without having to move between multiple inboxes.

Use Zixflow Inbox

Get delivery reports

You can also receive delivery reports, like open and read receipts for the messages you sent in the Inbox itself.

View reports

Alerts & notifications

Get alerts in the Inbox whenever someone submits a form or if a team member requests access to specific list. You can manage it all from Zixflow Inbox!

Set custom filters

Within our Inbox, you can select custom filters to limit what kind of messages you want to receive, allowing you to keep your inbox clean.

Use smart filters

Discover more about Zixflow

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Send tailored emails in bulk with Zixflow’s email marketing platform.

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Reach billions of users on WhatsApp with our WhatsApp Cloud API.

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Reach out to customers worldwide on-the-go with Zixflow’s SMS platform

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Quality data security

We handle every security and privacy measure seriously, and our servers are hosted in world-class data centers.

Meeting Scheduling - Startech X Webflow Template

Leading privacy measures

Zixflow features end-to-end encryption, passwordless authentication, and login audit logs to ensure maximum security.

Email Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Peak performance

Use Zixflow for promotional campaigns or integrate our API and reach millions with a click.

Consolidate tools Cut costs

No need to worry about a dozen different tools. Zixflow is your one-stop shop for all your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support or sales team.

What is Zixflow Inbox?

Zixflow Inbox is a centralized mailbox, where you can view all the messages sent by your users and team members. You can also receive deliverability reports, such as read or view receipts to get peace of mind that your contacts have read your messages.

How does the Inbox work?

The Zixflow Inbox works by gathering all the messages you have received from different sources and presenting them in a single, unified Inbox for your convenience.

How does Zixflow Inbox benefit my business?

By having every one of your conversations in an Inbox makes it easy for you to manage and respond to them from one place. This way, you don’t have to spend countless hours looking through numerous inboxes to find the messages you need to respond to.

Can I customize my Inbox as per my preference?

Yes. Our Inbox consists of smart filters you can set to determine which type of message you wish to receive.

Deliver top-notch customer experience with Zixflow Inbox