Unlike other sales CRM

An AI and ML-powered CRM solution to organize customer information, automate sales tasks, engage with prospects, and close more deals with insights.

Trusted by 1000+ companies around the world

Much more than what you’d expect from a CRM

Centralized contact details

Access all your leads’ data from a single location — Collection, and create custom lists using these Collections for better segmentation of your audience.


Custom views & filters

Add custom views and filters to your data to visualize it in the way that best matches your preferences.

Use custom filters

Advanced engagement capabilities

Nurture your leads at every step of your sales funnel with the built-in sales engagement functionalities to connect with your prospects on SMS, email, or WhatsApp, all from a single screen.

One-click lead profile

Get a holistic picture of your leads with our detailed lead profile, where you can see all the details about a lead, track past interactions, add notes, and reach out directly to them.

Access lead profile

Discover more about Zixflow

Deal Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Workflow Automation

Automate redundant workflows to save both time and effort.

Invoice Generation - Startech X Webflow Template


Build automated cadences to autopilot lead nurturing.

Pipeline Management - Startech X Webflow Template


Capture your audience’s details with Zixflow's customized Forms.

Reporting Dashboard - Startech X Webflow Template

Lead Generation

Acquire new leads and hit your quotas with our automated lead generation.

Meeting Scheduling - Startech X Webflow Template


Run promotional campaigns over SMS, email, or WhatsApp with Zixflow Campaigns.

Email Tracking - Startech X Webflow Template

Zixflow Inbox

View and reply to all incoming messages from a unified Inbox for quick customer service.

Consolidate tools Cut costs

No need to worry about a dozen different tools. Zixflow is your one-stop shop for all your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support or sales team.

What is sales CRM software?

CRM or Customer Relationship Management software is a system used for capturing and organizing all the contact information and other details of your customers. You can use this data to interact with them at different stages of the sales pipeline to build personalized relationships and stay connected with them throughout the customer journey.

What is the best CRM available in the market?

When it comes to sales, we rightfully love to blow our own trumpet! Zixflow sales CRM is one of the best in the market. It’s simple and easy to use and has everything you need to capture, engage, convert, and retain customers, all in one user-friendly interface.

How can I benefit from a CRM platform?

Sales CRM software allows you to build custom sales pipelines and processes so that your entire sales team can follow standardized practices. With CRM, you can also monitor and track all sales reps' activities along with the status of all the deals they are working on in a visual sales pipeline and automated dashboards.

Modern, AI-powered tools like Zixflow combine the functionality of CRM and sales engagement in one platform, making it a robust all-in-one sales platform.

Can I use Zixflow sales CRM to reach out to my customers?

Our sales CRM software has a built-in feature that allows you to reach out to your audience from the platform. You can get in touch with your prospects via SMS, email, or WhatsApp and automate your outreach campaigns using cadences.

How can I pick the right CRM for my business?

You should pick CRM software that is simple and easy to use so that your team can quickly adapt to it. It should also be equipped with modern sales technologies including sales automation and engagement and should be scalable as your team grows. Considering all these factors, you can pick Zixflow sales CRM as it includes all these things.

What are good alternatives to Zixflow sales CRM?

After spending more than a decade in sales, we built Zixflow sales CRM as part of our all-in-one sales platform, which, as a user, is the most simple sales platform in the world. It combines automation, engagement, and communication all in one platform.

Ready to use a modern
sales CRM