5 WhatsApp Business API and Marketing Case Studies and Success Stories to Inspire You

The five WhatsApp Business API and marketing case studies include Tata CLiQ, Maggi German, Unilever, Multinet Up, and HDFC.

5 WhatsApp Business API and Marketing Case Studies and Success Stories to Inspire You

WhatsApp Business API is an important aspect of WhatsApp Business which is used by over 50 million companies worldwide. Not just that. According to Statista, WhatsApp is the most famous communication app in 2023 with 2 billion monthly active users leaving behind WeChat, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram.

That is the reason why you should consider including WhatsApp marketing in your outreach strategy and make the most of this global platform. To effectively incorporate WhatsApp in your existing marketing channels, you not only need solid WhatsApp marketing strategies but also insight as to how successful brands use it.

With that said, in this article, I will elaborate on five companies that are using WhatsApp Business API in their marketing initiatives to drive engagement and revenue. But before that, let’s look at the benefits of WhatsApp marketing.

Advantages of WhatsApp marketing

WhatsApp marketing offers several benefits that allow you to elevate your business to another level by providing quality customer service and focusing on customer-centric selling. Here are a few of them:

A large number of users

If you keep up with Whatsapp business statistics, one of the greatest benefits of WhatsApp marketing is that it has a massive user base with people around the world using it daily. This way, you can reach a vast number of potential customers to market your offerings.

High open and engagement rates

Compared to traditional marketing channels like email, WhatsApp messages tend to have a higher open rate and engagement rate. In fact, the open rate of WhatsApp messages is at a staggering 98%.  

People are more likely to open, view, and respond to WhatsApp messages, increasing the chances of them reading your message and converting into a customer. And by applying some WhatsApp automation hacks, you can reach out to many customers and increase your engagement rate at the same time.

Moreover, with the automation for WhatsApp feature, the engagement rate of brands also increases.

Mobile-friendly platform

WhatsApp is mostly used on mobile devices, making it highly accessible to users. Since most people carry their phones with them throughout the day, they can conveniently access and engage from anywhere. 

This mobile-friendly nature of WhatsApp ensures that your messages can reach customers wherever they are, boosting overall interactions.

Secured channel 

WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption, making sure that messages are exchanged between you and your audience. This level of privacy can be particularly important for sensitive information or confidential communications. 

WhatsApp case studies and success stories

Many companies nowadays use WhatsApp to both promote their products and interact with their target market. Here are some of the success stories of businesses that effectively used WhatsApp Business API to achieve their goals.

Tata CLiQ

Tata CLiQ is the trademarked e-commerce platform of the Tata Group. The company wished to contact every individual that consented to get promotional messages. That’s why they required a stable medium of communication to send tailored messages. 

After much deliberation, Tata CLiQ decided to use WhatsApp Business API to send these messages to its customers for its e-commerce marketing efforts on WhatsApp. It first used the platform to inform customers using Business Message Templates about their orders, such as sending order details, tracking numbers, and delivery dates.

And once they saw the success of the informational messages, Tata CLiQ then began sending promotional, personalized messages about discounted products or special occasion sales.

Tata CLiQ promotional WhatsApp message.

As a result of these tailored advertising messages on WhatsApp, Tata CLiQ witnessed a great boost in sales engagement and the number of conversions. Not only that. The personalized campaign generated 10 times ROI in the span of a couple of months along with a 57% CTR rate on WhatsApp.

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Maggi Kochstudio 

Maggi, a brand that originated from Switzerland, sells instant food items, such as soups and noodles to customers across multiple countries. Maggi also runs cooking classes known as Maggi Kochstudio and it has been a staple for the company for the last 60 years with over 1.5 million individuals engaging with it every day.

Maggi wanted to raise its visibility by becoming a component of people’s life and keep the brand fresh in their minds. To do that, Maggi started running a free cooking course on WhatsApp using the Business API.

Maggi Kochstudio WhatsApp message with a cooking recipe.

The outcome? In just three months since they began the WhatsApp campaign, they discovered that they sent 200,000 messages within the starting two months. They also got a 4.2-point lift in ad recall (a metric that measures how memorable an ad was), leading to increased brand awareness. 

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Unilever is an international retail brand that markets its products all over the world. Back in 2019, Unilever introduced a detergent and softener called Comfort in Brazil and for that, it was thinking of using an innovative sales engagement model.

So they displayed thousands of signboards in Sao Paulo with the slogan “I’ll bring you back your beloved clothes,” along with a WhatsApp number. After seeing the billboards and sending messages to the WhatsApp number, a chatbot named “MadameBot” interacted with people by offering advice on how to maintain the condition of their clothes.

Unilever’s WhatsApp messages about promoting its fabric softener, Comfort.

Furthermore, the bot recommended similar products and offered demonstrations with the help of visual elements. Plus, people would be eligible for 50% off on the said product. This amazing automated WhatsApp marketing campaign helped Unilever boost sales and customer engagement, thus solidifying the brand’s presence in the market. 

Multinet Up

Multinet Up is one of the oldest financial companies in Turkey with more than 200,000 smaller companies under it that spans all over the country. It provides cards and digital payment options for hotels, restaurants, and stores.

Due to the popularity of WhatsApp in Turkey, Multinet Up decided to use it as a customer service outlet and also a channel to find valuable prospects. In order to promote its employee meal cards, Multinet Up ran Facebook ads which led to a WhatsApp chat once they were clicked. 

Here, the potential customer can know more about the cards as well as other solutions offered by Multinet Up. The WhatsApp campaign was automated with the use of the Business API to ask relevant sales engagement questions to understand the needs of the prospects.

Multinet Up’s WhatsApp message with a relevant question along with options.

The campaign was a success with 7% of the WhatsApp prospects transformed into paying customers and Multinet Up was able to generate 42% more leads using WhatsApp in comparison to other marketing avenues.

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Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC), is an Indian banking service and housing loan provider. It wanted to deliver a “spot offer” message using the WhatsApp Business API to let its prospects find out whether they qualify for a housing loan with the series of messages.

That’s why, they employed a creative WhatsApp campaign idea where, every time an individual reaches out to HDFC via WhatsApp, they are offered a menu with various options and after choosing a “spot offer,” a set of automatic questions is triggered. 

These questions are predetermined and inquire about the basic details of a customer before telling them the eligibility and the EMI they have to pay for a particular loan amount.

HDFC’s spot offer WhatsApp message to figure out if a customer is eligible to avail home loans.

Using such an innovative approach of leveraging the WhatsApp business platform, HDFC received highly-qualified prospects and increased the number of its loan candidates. Moreover, 25% of users that interacted with HDFC using WhatsApp, finished the spot offer questionnaire. This resulted in 13,000 leads in under 12 months with 85,000 new conversations with customers each month.

Inspired to run a successful WhatsApp marketing campaign yourself?

By now, you might have gotten a good idea about how using WhatsApp Business API for marketing can increase engagement and boost your bottom line. These case studies showcase the potential of WhatsApp in enhancing customer engagement and streamline communication.

As your business continues to grow, you will need a robust platform that serves both as a marketing channel and a medium of communication, and provides effective Whatsapp API services, which can be used to run sophisticated campaigns to reach out to your customers.

However, for using the WhatsApp Business API you need a sales engagement solution to act as the frontend. And Zixflow is an excellent fit for that. It is an outbound sales platform that lets you integrate, execute, and manage WhatsApp campaigns all from a single application.

Create and execute WhatsApp campaigns easily with Zixflow.

Sign up for free today and see for yourself how it can revolutionize your marketing.

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