Wati vs Interakt: Best WhatsApp Platform Choice in 2024

This blog helps you choose the best between Wati & Interakt which covers their automation, integration, customization, reviews & rating, pricing, etc.

Wati vs Interakt: Best WhatsApp Platform Choice in 2024

Effectively managing customer interactions on WhatsApp is now crucial for a robust online presence. 

As you're making decisions for your business, you're faced with a choice between Wati and Interakt. Right? Wati is an alternative software to Interakt and vice versa. So which one should you choose?

Wati comes with features like dedicated business lines and text marketing tools, acting like a reliable helper. On the flip side, Interakt provides a mix of features tailored to your CRM needs.

Now, you might be wondering: Can Wati be cost-effective for me? Will Interakt meet my business expectations? 🤔 

Well, let me tell you. 😊

In this world of evolution, there are alternative platforms to Wati as well as Interakt, and you might be thinking, Are there more affordable options with several features? Well, one such platform worth considering is Zixflow. 😍

So don’t worry! I'm here to help you make a smart choice that fits your business goals. 

Zixflow: Go-to business tool

Why is Zixflow your go-to business tool? I will clear. 

Zixflow is an all-in-one platform designed to streamline your business communication because it's an omnichannel platform that processes, and automates your tasks to improve engagement. 

In addition, Zixflow works well for businesses of any size. Whether you're just starting a small business or managing a big company, this software fits your needs well! 🥳

But that's not the end of it! It's more about what's in it for you. 

Let's take a swift look at what you'll get, at a more affordable price compared to Wati and Interakt. Here's a glimpse of the added value coming your way:👇🏻

Embracing new tools can be daunting, but not with Zixflow. Its user-friendly interface ensures a smooth transition for your team. No tech headaches, just a platform that's easy to adopt and use. Your team can hit the ground running without a learning curve.

Zixflow provides a user-friendly dashboard for clear communication.

Zixflow simplifies communication by letting you connect with your customers directly from the platform, using their preferred channels, be it email, SMS, or WhatsApp. It's like having a universal remote for engagement, making connecting and increasing conversion rates easier.

Zixflow provides an easy-to-understand table to view a clear picture of your campaign.

Imagine having a single go-to place where you can access all your customer data. Zixflow acts like a super-organized hub, eliminating the hassle of using multiple tools. Managing your contacts, keeping track of interactions, and gaining insights, are all right there at your fingertips.

Ever wished you could automate those repetitive tasks that eat up your time? 

With Zixflow, you can create personalized workflows. Think of it as your assistant handling things like follow-up emails automatically. Now, you can redirect your efforts towards more impactful activities.

Zixflow allows you to create a customized workflow.

Engaging with potential customers and nurturing leads becomes more effective. Zixflow allows you to design and execute targeted campaigns effortlessly, reaching out through emails, SMS, and WhatsApp. It's a strategic approach to connecting with your audience to improve sales engagement.

Zixflow is an omnichannel platform that allows you to use channels as per your business needs.

Curious about how well your outreach efforts are performing? Zixflow doesn't leave you in the dark. 

It provides detailed reports, giving you insights into what's working and what needs improvement. This way, you can fine-tune your marketing campaign ideas for WhatsApp and other channels for maximum impact.

Zixflow provides in-depth reports, and gives you insights about your campaign.

Lastly, not only this! You can effortlessly reach out to thousands of recipients with personalized bulk emails. 

With Zixflow, it's not just about quantity, it's about quality. This ensures that each email speaks directly to the right people, making your communication strategy not just efficient, but also highly effective!

And the above-mentioned is just an overview of Zixflow. So, no need to stress about whether Wati and Interakt will match your expectations.

So relax and let’s jump back into comparing Wati and Interakt. Cool? 😅

Wati vs Interakt: Assessing whether they are the right fit for your business needs

Both Wati and Interakt are popular WhatsApp business service providers.

But what makes them different? Choosing between them is like picking the perfect ice cream flavor, it's all about the details. 

Let's explore about 7 key differences that set them apart and help you decide which one suits your business. 


Both Wati and Interakt offer automation features for WhatsApp Business API, but their strengths and weaknesses differ. So, let me tell you how.


With Wati, you get a multi-channel automation engine that lets you automate tasks not just on one platform but across various channels like WhatsApp, email, and Facebook Messenger. 

Wati provides WhatsApp marketing automation for your ease.

This means you can create pretty advanced workflows using triggers, conditions, and even actions based on time. It's perfect if your business needs to handle complex automation across multiple platforms to automate sales processes

However, it's worth mentioning that setting up Wati for these more advanced tasks might be a bit more complex compared to the basic automation features you find in Interakt. 

If you're diving into complex workflows, you might need some technical know-how to get everything running smoothly. 

So, while it offers powerful capabilities, Wati does come with a bit more complexity in the setup, particularly when compared to the simplicity of Interakt's basic automation functions.


Interakt allows you to automate conversations with your customers.

When you're dealing with Interakt, you'll find it's easy to set up automated notifications, especially for straightforward work like order confirmations or reminders for abandoned carts. It's quite budget-friendly if you're looking to handle basic automation needs for WhatsApp marketing

However, it's worth noting that when it comes to more complicated workflows involving multiple triggers, conditions, or actions, Interakt has its limitations. 

If you're aiming for intricate automation tasks that span across various channels like WhatsApp and SMS, you might find it a bit challenging to achieve with Interakt. 

Despite its simplicity for certain tasks, the platform may not be the go-to choice if you are looking for extensive and complex automation features across various channels.


When it comes to customization, Wati and Interakt offer different levels of control for your WhatsApp business automation. 

Scroll down to check!


Wati is pretty good because it lets you do a lot of cool customization. You can make your business really stand out by adding its elements, making unique workflows, and even using APIs for features specific to your industry.

It gives you a super personalized experience that's all about your business. But, here's the main point, to make the most of these cool features, you might need to put in a bit more effort and know-how compared to something like Interakt, which is simpler. 

So, if you just want to do basic business changes, Wati might be a bit much. It's like a super tool if you want a super personalized and feature-packed experience, but it might be more than you need if you're looking for simpler customizations.


You can add a custom auto-reply through Interakt.

When you're dealing with Interakt, you'll find that it comes with some strengths and a few limitations.

On the positive side, it provides basic customization options, allowing you to do basic things like greeting messages and integrate with other platforms seamlessly. The interface is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy to use with its simple layout. 

However, on the flip side, there are some drawbacks to consider. 

Interakt is a bit limited in letting you create special workflows or add your own unique touches. So, while it's friendly and lets you do some basic customizing, it might not give you all the freedom you want for a more personalized experience.

Looking for a fully customizable WhatsApp platform?

You can use Zixflow to customize the dashboard as per your needs

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Here is a comparison explanation of how automation helps you in a chatbot for Wati and Interakt. 


Through Wati you can easily build automated chatbots.

Wati is a really helpful Whatsapp automation tool for making chatbots, and the cool part is you don't need to know any coding. It has this visual feature that helps you make detailed conversations and deal with tricky questions using AI. 

So, if you're into having super fancy chats with customers or making things really personal, Wati's got your back to automate your WhatsApp marketing

Just keep in mind that Wati might take more time to learn compared to Interakt, also if you're planning to make really advanced chatbots, be ready to put in some extra money. 


Interakt provides a chatbot feature with pre-built templates. (Source)

Let's talk about how Interakt's chatbots work in a way that's easy to understand. 

Starting them up is pretty simple, especially if you're new to chatbots. Interakt provides you with pre-built templates for tasks like FAQs and order updates, so you don't have to start everything from scratch.

Now, on the other side, if you want to do some tricky work with your chatbots, Interakt might not be the best choice. 

However, it's important to note that if your business wants a chatbot that can handle complex tasks like a super-smart assistant, Interakt's chatbots might not be the best fit. 

They're great for everyday tasks, but if you're thinking of something more advanced, you might want to look at other options like Zixflow.

Report and analytics

When you look at Wati and Interakt, you’ll notice they each use automation differently as discussed in the beginning, giving you specific benefits in reporting and analytics. 


Wati provides different report options like message volume statistics.

Wati stands out with its strengths in providing you with detailed insights through detailed reports covering different aspects such as message volume statistics, agent performance, customer sentiment, campaign results, and pinpointing areas for improvement. 

It goes beyond basic metrics and offers advanced whatsapp analytics of business, providing you with a deep understanding of your customer interactions and the effectiveness of your campaigns to make WhatsApp marketing strategies accordingly. 

However, it's worth noting that the richness of these detailed reports might require a bit of knowledge to use and fully utilize them effectively. The advanced analytics, while powerful, could be a bit too much if you want only basic data insights.


Interakt provides a clear report of your messages.

When you're working with Interakt, it provides some basic information about your messages, like how many you've sent, how many were delivered, and basic metrics about customer interactions. 

The reports are pretty easy to understand, making it suitable for simpler needs. However, it's essential to note that if you're looking for more detailed insights into customer behavior, how well your campaigns are working, or how your agents are performing, Interakt might fall short. 

Its ability to analyze data for actionable improvements is somewhat limited, which means you might not get the depth of information needed for making more strategic decisions based on customer interactions, campaign success, or agent effectiveness. 

So, while it's good for basic metrics, it might not be the go-to for your business if you are searching for a more in-depth understanding of your customer engagement and relationship selling.


When you use both Wati and Interakt, you’ll find they connect well with other tools to automate tasks, but each is designed to meet different needs. I will tell you how so that you can select the one that fits your needs.


You can get a wide range of integration options with Wati.

Wati comes with some pretty strong points when it comes to integrating with other tools. You've got a wide range of built-in connections to popular tools like sales CRM softwares like Zoho, HubSpot, etc, e-commerce platforms like Shopify, and WooCommerce, etc, and helpdesk solutions like Zendesk, etc, and payment gateways Stripe, PayPal, etc. 

And if you need to go even deeper, Wati offers API access for integrating with your custom applications and internal systems. It's pretty flexible too, allowing you to connect with non-native integrations using webhooks and Zapier. 

However, it's worth considering that some integrations might come with additional fees or require you to be on a paid plan. So, while Wati gives you a lot of integration power, it could involve some extra costs and technical know-how depending on your specific needs.


Interakt provides many platform options to integrate.

Interakt makes it super easy to connect with popular platforms using its simple interface and ready-made integrations. It works seamlessly with platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, allowing you to manage orders and communicate with customers through WhatsApp of your e-commerce business.

You can also link up with Zapier, Google Sheets, and PayPal, providing convenient payment options through WhatsApp. The best part is that Interakt's affordable plans usually include many of these tools integrations. 

But, keep in mind that it has a bit fewer built-in integrations compared to Wati, and there are fewer choices for customizing or connecting with other apps. If you want specific integrations, you might need to buy some add-ons to simplify your sales process. So, it's great for simple connections, but if you need lots of different integrations, you might want to check if it has everything you're looking for.

Are you searching for a free platform with all advanced features?

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One of the main points to consider with your needs is pricing. So choosing the best pricing plan is all about what you need and what fits your budget. Let's break down how Wati and Interakt's prices work so you can figure out which one is right for you.


Wati offers 3 plans: 

💰 Growth - ₹2,499 /5 users/month, billed annually.

💰 Pro - ₹5,999 /5 users/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - ₹16,999 /5 users/month, billed annually.


Interakt provides 4 pricing plans: 

💰 Starter plan - ₹999 /users/month, billed annually.

💰 Growth plan - ₹2,499 /users/month, billed annually.

💰 Advanced - ₹3,499 /users/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprises - Charges monthly platform fees.

Interakt provides 14 days free trial in all 4 plans.

Rating and review

With pricing plans, checking what others say about Wati and Interakt can really help you decide.⭐️ 


4.6 out of 5 (215 reviews) by G2

4.6 out of 5 (55 reviews) by Capterra


4.5 out of 5 (55 reviews) by G2

4.7 out of 5 (11 reviews) by Capterra

Pick the one WhatsApp business platform that works best for your business 

In comparing Wati and Interakt as WhatsApp business platforms, it's clear that each has its own set of strengths and considerations. When you look at Wati and Interakt for WhatsApp, they both have good features about them. But here's the main thing, it depends on what you really need for your business. 

If you want a super personalized experience with lots of detailed customization and analytics, Wati could be your go-to choice. 

On the flip side, if you're all about keeping work simple, and making it easy to use, then Interakt might be better for you, 

In making your decision, it's a good option to think about Zixflow alongside Wati and Interakt. Zixflow is a feature-packed and freemium platform, which is great for your budget. 

But here's the cool part, it doesn't just stop at WhatsApp. It goes beyond and offers other features too, like helping you manage leads, giving you reports on different channels, and even letting you create forms and many other features. 

So, if you want more than just WhatsApp and also need features like lead management, an easy-to-use dashboard, automation, reports, etc, ZixFlow could be a solid choice. It's like a multi-task tool that's friendly to your wallet. 

Take a closer look at its overview video and see how Zixflow will be a helpful platform for your business.

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