17 ClickUp Alternatives Worth Checking in 2024 [Free + Paid]

The best ClickUp alternatives that automate workflows, track deals, manage contacts, and increase sales engagement activities through effective campaigns.

17 ClickUp Alternatives Worth Checking in 2024 [Free + Paid]

One real-life incident that illustrates the importance of searching for alternatives occurred when I was planning a vacation. I had my heart set on staying at a particular hotel that had received praising reviews from friends and online sources. However, when I went to book my stay, I was disappointed to find that the hotel was fully booked for the dates I had in mind.

Initially, I felt a sense of frustration and disappointment. I had built up high expectations for this hotel and was looking forward to experiencing its famous hospitality. However, instead of giving up and settling for a less desirable option, I decided to search for alternative accommodations.

Through my search, I stumbled upon a hidden gem that I had never heard of before. It was a boutique hotel tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, boasting stunning views and a unique charm. Interestingly, I decided to give it a chance and booked my stay.

To my surprise, this alternative accommodation turned out to be even better than my original choice. The staff was incredibly friendly and attentive, the rooms were beautifully decorated, and the location provided a peaceful retreat from the busy city. I would have never discovered this hidden gem if I hadn't been open to exploring alternatives.

This incident taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of being open-minded and adaptable. It reminded me that sometimes, the unexpected can lead to the most positive outcomes. By searching for alternatives, we give ourselves the opportunity to discover new and exciting possibilities that we may have otherwise overlooked.

Now, before you ask me why I give you the broader picture of alternatives, then let me tell you that the same condition can happen when you search for a ClickUp alternative. 

You never know, that you may find a tool that can deliberately manage your multiple projects, allow you to work in a collaborative space, and make it easier for your team members to work accordingly. 

Additionally, it can help you with robust sales and marketing activities, lead management, and data analysis which altogether turn your benefits into more revenue generation.

The reason why I’m here with the article is to share 17 ClickUp alternatives that are extremely useful for your business. Let's dive into detail to know more about them.

Why search for ClickUp alternatives?

ClickUp is a popular project management tool that offers a wide range of features and functionalities. However, it's always a good idea to explore other options before committing to a particular software. Here's why:

Diverse needs

Different teams and organizations have unique requirements when it comes to project management. While ClickUp may be suitable for some, it may not cater to the specific needs of others. For instance, it is one of the best CRM software for consulting services. However, it might not be suitable if you deal in large B2B sales. By exploring other options, you can find a tool that aligns better with your team's requirements and workflows.

User interface

The user interface is extremely helpful for customer retention in sales as it increases overall user experience. While ClickUp has a clean and intuitive interface, it may not resonate with you. Exploring other options allows you to find a tool with a UI that is more visually appealing and user-friendly for your team.


Cost is an important factor to consider when choosing a project management CRM tool. ClickUp offers different pricing plans, but it does not fit within your budget if you are a small team. By exploring other options, you can find a tool that offers competitive pricing and better aligns with your financial constraints.

Customer support

Efficient customer support is crucial when using any software. While ClickUp provides support through various channels, such as live chat and email, it will not meet your expectations in terms of response time or quality of assistance. Exploring other options allows you to assess the customer support services offered by different tools and choose one that provides prompt and reliable support.

Integration capabilities

Integration with other tools and software is essential for seamless collaboration and workflow management. While ClickUp offers integrations with popular apps, it may not cover all the tools your team relies on. Exploring other options allows you to find a tool that offers a wider range of integrations, ensuring smooth connectivity across your tech stack.

To illustrate this, let's consider an example. Imagine you work in a marketing agency that heavily relies on social media management tools. While ClickUp offers some integrations with social media platforms, it doesn't provide the level of functionality and customization required for your team's specific needs.

By exploring other options, you may come across a project management tool that specializes in social media management, offering advanced features like content scheduling, analytics, and social listening. This tool would better align with your team's requirements and enhance your overall productivity and efficiency in managing social media campaigns.

17 must-try ClickUp alternatives that help you manage your projects

ClickUp undoubtedly provides an incredible suite of tools for managing projects and smoothing communication among team members. However, it's always wise to consider various alternatives in order to find the perfect solution that aligns with your unique requirements. Let's explore the following handpicked options that can transform your operations and streamline your sales process.


Zixflow grants you extremely customizable dashboards and is one of the best alternatives to ClickUp.

Zixflow is an all-in-one platform as it streamlines the management of projects, contacts, and leads. It simplifies sales processes and automates tasks, making it incredibly convenient for your business. The best part is that you can easily customize fields to align with your specific business needs and preferences.

What's more, Zixflow is suitable for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a small startup looking for a CRM that is budget friendly or a large enterprise looking for an all-in-one advanced solution, this software caters to your requirements. With Zixflow, you can effortlessly communicate with your clients through emails, SMS, and WhatsApp broadcasts. It also optimizes sales engagement queues and workflows, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

What sets Zixflow apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Zixflow outshines ClickUp due to its remarkable user-friendliness and wide range of features designed to assist you in effortlessly keeping track of your deals and gaining valuable insights into your campaign performance. Now, let's delve into the details of its outstanding features.

Effortlessly automate tasks
Zixflow - One of the best alternatives of ClickUp as it streamline daily activities.

Zixflow's one notable feature is the ability to automate repetitive tasks. This means that instead of manually performing the same actions over and over again, you can create automated workflows that handle these tasks for you, saving valuable time and effort.

For example, a project manager could set up an automation to automatically notify team members about upcoming deadlines or to generate reports based on predefined criteria. By streamlining these processes, Zixflow allows you to focus on more important aspects of your projects as it leads to increased sales engagement activities.

Multiple channel campaigns
Zixflow is one of the top-rated ClickUp alternatives as it allows you to multiple campaigns.

Zixflow is a powerful tool that enables you to efficiently manage multiple channel campaigns. With Zixflow, you can easily coordinate and execute various marketing initiatives across different platforms. For instance, let's say you want to run a campaign on WhatsApp, Email, and SMS simultaneously. Zixflow allows you to seamlessly create, schedule, and track these campaigns, ensuring consistent messaging and maximum reach across all channels.

Track deals flawlessly
Zixflow is one of the top ClickUp alternatives as it enhances you to track activities.

Zixflow is an amazing tool that enables you to effectively monitor your deals and personalize Kanban-style views. With Zixflow, you can easily keep track of your sales opportunities and visualize them in a way that suits your workflow. For instance, you can create customized Kanban boards to categorize your deals based on their stages, allowing you to have a clear overview of your sales pipeline and make informed decisions.

Get analytics of SMS campaign performance
Zixflow is one of the trusted ClickUp alternatives as it provides a detailed analysis of campaign performance.

Zixflow provides valuable insights into campaign performance, allowing you to gain a comprehensive understanding of its effectiveness. For instance, by analyzing key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement levels, Zixflow enables you to measure the success of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize future sales engagement strategies.

Organize contact efficiently
Zixflow - One of the top-rated ClickUp alternatives as it manages contacts effectively.

Zixflow simplifies the process of organizing contacts effortlessly. For instance, you can easily import your existing contact lists from various sources such as email accounts or sheets. Once imported, Zixflow automatically categorizes and tags the contacts based on relevant information like job titles or company names.

Moreover, you can also customize fields of your business needs or preferences. This allows you to quickly search and filter contacts based on specific criteria, making it effortless to find and manage contacts efficiently.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Startup - $19 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $49 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business Plus - $79 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.8 out of 5 (17 reviews) by G2.


Asana - One of the most rated ClickUp alternatives as it helps you maintain marketing campaigns.

Asana is a user-friendly platform that helps you manage your tasks and projects efficiently. It provides a centralized space where you can create, assign, and track tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with others. 

With its intuitive interface, Asana makes it easy for you to prioritize work, communicate effectively with your team, and share opinions on implementing strategies for sales engagement or any other sales and marketing tasks. Whether you're working on a personal project or collaborating on a team effort, Asana simplifies the process and keeps everyone on the same page.

What sets Asana apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Track your team members seamlessly

Asana allows you to create tasks, assign them to team members, and set due dates to keep everyone on track. Moreover, you can easily track the progress of your projects and see who is responsible for each task.

All-in-one platform

It grants a centralized platform where you can communicate with your team, share files, and leave comments on tasks.

Get notifications/alerts

It provides real-time updates and notifications, so you never miss important updates or deadlines.

Varieties of view

Asana offers a variety of views, including lists and boards to help you visualize your projects and manage tasks in different ways especially when you’re running out of hours.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Starter - $10.99 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Advanced - $24.99 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.3 out of 5 (9579 reviews) by G2.


Notion - One of the top-rated ClickUp alternatives with which you can smartly organize your workspace.

Notion simplifies the way you organize and manage your tasks, notes, and projects. It provides a user-friendly interface where you can create and customize different types of content, such as to-do lists, documents, and databases. 

With Notion, you can collaborate with others, track your progress, and keep everything organized in one place. This tool allows easy communication through emails which you may use to ask engaging sales questions or offer lucrative deals to your prospective clients or leads.

What sets Notion apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Maintain database efficiently

You can easily add and organize various types of content, such as text, images, files, and even databases, all within a single workspace.

User interface

Notion's intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality make it user-friendly and accessible for you to use.

Sort/filter important information

The tool also offers the simplest search, sort, and filtering capabilities, making it easy to find and access the information you need.

Grants access to multiple devices

Notion is available on multiple platforms, including web, desktop, and mobile, ensuring that you can manage your projects from anywhere, at any time.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Plus - $8 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $15 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.7 out of 5 (5032 reviews) by G2.


Airtable - One of the top ClickUp alternatives as it grants you a user-friendly dashboard.

Airtable is an innovative platform that helps you organize and manage your data in a simple and efficient way. It combines the flexibility of a spreadsheet with the power of a database, allowing you to create custom tables, add and edit records, and collaborate with others in real time. 

Whether you're tracking projects, managing inventory, or organizing customer information, Airtable makes it easy for you to stay organized and get things done.

What sets Airtable apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Intuitive interface

Airtable simplifies project management by offering a user-friendly interface that allows you to organize and track your projects efficiently.

All-in-one platform

With Airtable, you can create custom databases to store all project-related information in one place, making it easy to access and update.

Varieties of view

The platform provides flexible views, such as grid, calendar, and Kanban, allowing you to visualize your project data in a way that suits your needs.

Allowing interactions

Airtable offers collaboration features, enabling team members to work together in real time, assign tasks, and leave comments for seamless communication.


You can integrate Airtable with other tools and services, like Slack, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and Stripe for maintaining efficient communication, file management, and payment.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Team - $20 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $45 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprise scale - Contact the sales team for further information.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.6 out of 5 (2210 reviews) by G2.


Wrike - One of the top rated ClickUp alternatives that grants a wide range of views to filter out and prioriztize the tasks as per your needs.

Wrike is an initiative project management tool that helps your team members to collaborate and stay organized. It simplifies your process of planning, tracking, and completing tasks and also makes it easier for everyone to work together efficiently. 

With Wrike, you can create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress in real time. It's a straightforward and effective solution for managing projects, achieving goals, and improving the sales process. Other than ClickUp, Wrike is also one of the best alternatives to Airtable.

What sets Wrike apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Task management

Wrike allows you to create, assign, and track tasks, ensuring everyone knows what needs to be done. In this way, not only do you have complete control over tasks but also anyone can meet tight deadlines.


With Wrike, teams can collaborate in real time, sharing files, comments, and updates, ensuring everyone is on the same page and helping each other in a more efficient way.

Gantt Charts

It visualizes project timelines and dependencies using Gantt charts, making it easier to plan and manage tasks.

Customizable dashboards

You can create personalized dashboards to track progress, view important metrics, and stay organized which makes Wrike a user-friendly tool.

Time tracking

Wrike offers time-tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor how much time is spent on each task or project. 

Document management

It stores and manages project-related documents in one central location, ensuring easy access and version control.

Reporting and analytics

It allows you to generate reports and gain insights into project performance, helping you make data-driven decisions.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Team - $9.80 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $28.80 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.2 out of 5 (3510 reviews) by G2.


Nifty - One of the top ClickUp alternatives as it efficiently syncs with other apps.

Nifty is a handy tool as it simplifies the process of managing projects by providing a centralized platform for collaboration, task management, and communication. With Nifty, you can easily track project progress, assign tasks to team members, and stay organized with intuitive project timelines and calendars. 

With Nifty you never need to worry about complex spreadsheets and endless email threads that are filled with sales-engaging emails, as it efficiently handles all these tasks. 

What sets Nifty apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Track schedules

Nifty's time tracking feature allows you to monitor the time spent on each task, helping you schedule tasks and meet deadlines without any delay.

Customizable dashboards

The platform offers customizable project boards, allowing you to organize tasks and projects in a way that suits your workflow.

Track financial constraints

You can create and manage project budgets within Nifty, tracking expenses and ensuring that projects stay within financial constraints.


Nifty's integrations with popular communication tools like Slack and email ensure you and your team can stay connected and updated on project progress.

Project templates

You can easily use pre-built project templates to streamline project setup and execution. By using the project templates either as they are or customizing them, you can easily differentiate the purpose of your tasks.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Starter - $39 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Pro - $79 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $124 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Unlimited - $399 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.7 out of 5 (431 reviews) by G2.


Jira - One of the top-notch ClickUp alternatives as it grants you with varieties boards to utilize.

Jira helps you stay organized and collaborate on projects. It allows you to create and track tasks, assign you to team members, set due dates, and monitor progress. Jira provides a central place for you to communicate, share files, and discuss project details. 

It also has built-in reporting features, which allow you to analyze data and gain insights. More advantageously, you can modify your strategies based on that which can drive customer engagement to increase sales.

What sets Jira apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Eliminates spreadsheets

Jira allows you to centralize all project details in real-time, enabling you to access the free flow of up-to-date information with your team.

Time tracking

Jira provides features for tracking the time spent on tasks and projects. You can log your work hours, track time estimates, and generate reports to analyze time spent on different tasks or projects. This helps you monitor productivity and identify areas for improvement.

Agile methodologies

Jira supports agile project management methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban. It provides features like sprint planning, backlog management, and burndown charts that allow you to effectively manage your each project.

Reporting and analytics

Jira offers a range of reporting and analytics features that provide insights into project progress, and the overall team performance. Also, you can generate reports with various chat forms, such as burndown charts, velocity charts, and issue statistics, to monitor and analyze project data.


💰 Free - $0 up to 10 users/month, billed annually.

💰 Standard - $39 up to 10 users/month, billed annually.

💰 Premium - $79 up to 10 users/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprise - Enterprise plan pricing is available if you have 801 or more users. Contact the sales team for further information.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.3 out of 5 (5675 reviews) by G2.


Trello - One of the highly-rated ClickUp alternatives as it enhances you with multi boards, lists and cards.

Trello is a popular project management platform not only a ClickUp alternative but also considered one of the top alternatives to Notion when it comes to counting on the best tools in the market.

Trello is one of the best online project management tool as it uses boards, lists, and cards to visually represent your workflow, making it easy to track progress and collaborate with others. With Trello, you can create to-do lists, assign tasks, set due dates, and communicate with team members, all in one place. It's a simple and effective way to stay organized and stay on top of your work.

What sets Trello apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?


Trello organizes projects into boards, which act as a central hub for all project-related activities. You can create multiple boards for different projects or departments, providing a clear overview of the entire workflow.


Within each board, you can create lists to represent different stages or phases of a project. These lists can be customized to fit specific needs, such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Completed." Lists help visualize the progress of tasks and enable easy tracking.


Cards are the building blocks of Trello. They represent individual tasks, ideas, or items that need attention. You can create cards within lists and assign them to team members, set due dates, add descriptions, attach files, and add labels to categorize tasks.


Labels are color-coded tags that can be added to cards to categorize or prioritize tasks. You can create custom labels to fit their specific needs, such as "High Priority," "Bug Fix," or "Design."


Trello allows you to create checklists within cards to break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. This feature helps ensure that all necessary steps are completed and provides a clear overview of progress.

Track comments and activity feed

Trello provides a space for team collaboration through comments. You can leave comments on cards, allowing for discussions, updates, and feedback. The activity feed keeps track of all changes made to cards, providing a transparent history of actions.


You can attach files, documents, images, or links to cards, ensuring all relevant information is easily accessible. This feature eliminates the need for separate file-sharing platforms and keeps all project-related data in one place.

Due dates and reminders

Trello allows you to set due dates for cards, ensuring tasks are completed on time. You can also receive reminders via email or notifications to stay on top of deadlines.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Standard - $5 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Professional - $10 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprises - $17.50 /users/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.4 out of 5 (13458 reviews) by G2.


Basecamp - One of the top ClickUp alternatives as it seamlessly collaborates with other tools.

Basecamp provides a centralized platform where you can communicate, share files, assign tasks, and track progress. With its simple interface and intuitive features, Basecamp simplifies project management and enhances productivity. Whether you're working on a small or large-scale project, Basecamp is designed to streamline teamwork and keep everyone on the same page.

What sets Basecamp apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Project organization

Basecamp allows you to create multiple projects and organize them into separate workspaces. Each workspace acts as a central hub for all project-related activities.

Task management

You can create and assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track progress. Tasks can be organized into to-do lists, making it easy to prioritize and manage workloads.

Communication tools

Basecamp provides various communication tools to facilitate collaboration. You can post messages, comment on threads, and mention specific team members to ensure effective communication and keep everyone in the loop.

File sharing

The platform allows you to upload and share files within projects. This feature ensures that all project-related documents, images, and other files are easily accessible to team members.


💰 For start-ups or smaller teams - ₹350 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 For Large Businesses - ₹4800 /users/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.1 out of 5 (5268 reviews) by G2.


Hive - One of the top ClickUp alternatives as it offers a variety of dashboard views.

A Hive project management tool simplifies the process of managing projects by providing a scalable platform. It helps you collaborate effectively, track progress, assign tasks, and monitor deadlines. With this tool, you can easily organize and prioritize tasks, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the project's success. It streamlines communication, enhances productivity, and ensures efficient project completion.

What sets Hive apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Track projects

The Hive platform offers a comprehensive project management solution with advanced features to efficiently manage projects and track leads.

Customizable dashboards

It provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily create sales pipeline stages with assigned tasks, deadlines, and progress reports.

Easy collaboration

Hive also offers collaboration tools, such as real-time messaging and file sharing, to enhance team communication and productivity.

Get analytics

With its powerful analytics and reporting capabilities, Hive enables users to gain valuable insights into project performance and make data-driven decisions.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Starter - $1 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Teams - $3 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprise scale - Hive offers customized price plans, you can contact the sales team for further information.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.6 out of 5 (497 reviews) by G2.

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is one of the best ClickUp alternatives as it streamlines activities and helps you save time.

Zoho Projects is designed to simplify project management. It helps in managing tasks, collaborating with team members, and tracking progress. With its ease-to-use interface, Zoho Projects allows you to easily create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and communicate effectively within your team.

Moreover, it provides a centralized hub where you can monitor the overall progress of your projects and ensure timely completion. It streamlines the project management process, making it easier to stay organized and achieve project goals. Zoho is a great alternative to Monday, but there are many great alternatives to Zoho as well that you should definitely check. 

What sets Zoho Projects apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Track activities

With Zoho Projects, you can easily create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. This helps in streamlining project workflows and ensuring everyone is on the same page.


The platform also provides collaborative tools, allowing team members to communicate, share files, and discuss project details in real time. This fosters effective collaboration and enhances productivity.

Scalable templates

Zoho Projects offers customizable project templates, enabling you to quickly set up projects based on your specific requirements. This saves time and ensures consistency across projects.

Get detailed reports

It provides insightful reports and analytics. Here, you can get a clear overview of your performance and whether your multi-channel sales engagement works in the right way. 

Additionally, you can gain a better understanding of whether your resources are utilized properly and if they are helping your business to progress. Altogether these help you in making informed decisions and identifying areas for improvement.


Zoho Projects also integrates with other popular tools, such as Zoho CRM and Zoho Desk, allowing for seamless data flow and enhanced efficiency.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Premium - $350 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprise - $700 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.3 out of 5 (388 reviews) by G2.


Pipefy - One of the top ClickUp alternatives as it effortlessly automates workflows.

Pipefy is a low-code business process sales automation tool that allows you to streamline and optimize your work processes without any intricacies. With Pipefy, you can easily automate repetitive tasks, track progress, and collaborate with your team, making your work more efficient and productive.

What sets Pipefy apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Data collection and management

Pipefy allows you to collect and manage data within your workflows. You can create custom forms to collect information, store data in a centralized database, and generate reports and analytics to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Mobile Accessibility

Pipefy offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing you to access and manage your workflows on the go. This feature enables remote work and ensures that you can stay connected with your clients and team members and be productive from anywhere.

Visual process management

Pipefy allows you to create and manage your workflows visually, using a drag-and-drop interface. This feature enables you to easily design and customize your process according to your specific needs.

Process automation

With Pipefy, you can automate repetitive tasks and actions within your workflows. This feature helps to reduce manual work and increase productivity by automatically triggering actions, sending notifications, and updating information.


💰 Free - $0 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $20 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Enterprises - $34 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.6 out of 5 (223 reviews) by G2.


Toggl - One of the best CilckUp alternatives as it helps you stay on top of your projects.

Toggl is a valuable tool that helps you manage your tasks and projects efficiently. It allows you to easily track your time, set deadlines, and collaborate with your team members. With the Toggl platform, you can stay organized and stay on top of your work and also help each other with a team to ensure no one can be left behind in task completion.

What sets Toggl apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Task management

Toggl allows you to create and manage tasks efficiently. You can assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track progress. This feature ensures that you're aware of your responsibilities and deadlines.

Gantt charts

The platform provides interactive Gantt charts that visually represent project timelines and dependencies. You can easily create and modify tasks, set durations, and establish task relationships. Gantt charts help in planning and scheduling projects effectively.

Resource management

Toggl enables you to allocate resources efficiently. It allows you and your team members to be assigned to specific tasks, ensuring that work is evenly distributed. This feature helps in optimizing resource utilization and avoiding overloading or underutilization.

Time tracking

The platform offers built-in time-tracking capabilities, allowing you to record the time spent on each task. This feature helps in monitoring productivity, identifying bottlenecks, and accurately estimating project timelines.

Customization options

The platform offers customization options to tailor the project management experience to individual needs. You can create custom task fields, set project-specific settings, and define workflows. This flexibility ensures that the platform can adapt to different project requirements.


💰 Team - $9 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $15 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.3 out of 5 (37 reviews) by G2.


monday.com is one of the top ClickUp alternatives as it maintains tasks effectively.

monday.com is a highly intuitive and easy-to-use platform that has transformed the way projects are managed. With its sleek and modern interface, it offers a seamless experience for teams to effectively collaborate and stay organized. The platform offers a wide range of customizable templates that cater to various industries and project types.

These templates serve as a starting point, allowing you to quickly set up your projects and customize them to fit your specific needs. This flexibility ensures that monday.com can be utilized by teams of all sizes and industries. Before you invest, you should check out top Monday CRM alternatives to make a sound decision.

What sets monday.com apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Customizable dashboard

monday.com provides customizable dashboards that allow you to create a visual representation of your projects or workflows. You can add widgets, charts, and graphs to track progress, monitor key metrics, and gain insights into your projects.

Task management

The platform offers a comprehensive task management system that enables you to create, assign, and track tasks. You can set due dates, add descriptions, attach files, and collaborate with team members on specific tasks. You can also set priorities, add labels, and use filters to organize and categorize tasks.

Workflow automation

monday.com allows you to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflows. You can create custom automation rules to trigger actions based on specific events or conditions. 

For example, you can auto-assign tasks to your expert team members, and ask them to prioritize tasks. Also, you can set notifications to keep updating yourself whenever they reach a certain status, likely, to-do, doing, submitting, reviewing, and achieving goals.

Mobile apps

monday.com offers mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, allowing you to access and manage your projects on the go. The mobile app enables you to create sales and marketing tasks, track progress, collaborate with team members, receive notifications, and build mobile sales engagement without hassle.


💰 Free - $0 up to 2 seats.

💰 Basic - $8 up to 3 seats/month.

💰 Standard - $10 up to /seats/month.

💰 Pro - $16 up to /seats/month.

💰 Enterprise - monday.com offers customized pricing plans. Contact their sales team for further information.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.7 out of 5 (9906 reviews) by G2.
  • 4.6 out of 5 (4575 reviews) by Capterra.


Flow is one of the top ClickUp alternatives as it tracks all your progress efficiently.

Flow is a project management platform that helps you keep track of your tasks and projects in an easy and organized way. It allows you to collaborate with your team, set deadlines, and monitor progress. With Flow, you can stay on top of your work and ensure that everything is running smoothly.

What sets Flow apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Pre-made templates

Flow offers a wide range of pre-built templates and connectors. These templates provide you with ready-to-use workflows for common business processes, such as approval workflows, data collection, and notifications. The connectors enable you to connect to various data sources and services, such as databases, cloud storage, and social media platforms.

Friendly interface

You can create and manage workflows easily. This visual interface enables you to drag and drop elements to design workflows, making it intuitive and user-friendly.

Collaboration with other apps

It seamlessly integrates with various applications and services, such as Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, and Dynamics 365. This integration not only saves you from manual data entry related to contacts and leads but also allows you to automate sales engagement across various channels.


💰 Basic - $6 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Plus - $8 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Pro - $10 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.3 out of 5 (54 reviews) by G2.


ProofHub - One of the top ClickUp alternatives as it helps you organize all your projects impressively.

ProofHub provides a centralized space where you can organize all your tasks, deadlines, and team members. You can create to-do lists, assign tasks to specific people, and track progress. The platform also offers communication tools like chat and discussions to facilitate collaboration. 

With proofHub, you can easily streamline your multiple tasks and projects and stay organized all the time. This will benefit you when you know which tasks need to be prioritized and to whom you should assign the task to meet deadlines. And even, you can ask your team members to stay in touch with your clients so that they do not miss opportunities to impress your sales prospects.

What sets ProofHub apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Task management

ProofHub allows you to create and assign tasks, set deadlines, track progress, and organize tasks into different categories or lists. It also provides features like task dependencies, recurring tasks, and task labels for better organization.

Team collaboration

ProofHub provides various collaboration tools such as discussions, mentions, file sharing, and document collaboration. It allows you to communicate and collaborate in real time.

Gantt charts

ProofHub offers interactive Gantt charts that help you visualize project timelines, dependencies, and milestones. You can create and modify tasks directly on the Gantt chart, making it easier to manage and track project progress.

Time tracking

ProofHub includes a built-in time-tracking feature that allows you to track the time spent on tasks and projects. This helps in monitoring productivity, estimating project costs, and generating accurate invoices.


💰 Flat - $89 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Essential - $45 /users/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.5 out of 5 (85 reviews) by G2.


Swit is one of the top best ClickUp alternatives as it transforms the way you work on projects.

Swit is a project management tool that helps you and your teams work together on projects more efficiently. It provides a central place where you can communicate, share files, and track progress. It's like a virtual office where you can collaborate and stay organized.

What sets Swit apart as a great alternative to ClickUp?

Task management

Swit provides a comprehensive task management system, enabling you to create, assign, and track tasks efficiently.

Collaboration with other tools

Swit platform integrates various communication tools, such as chat, video conferencing, and file sharing, all in one place, ensuring effective and streamlined communication within teams.

Organize document

It offers a centralized document management system, allowing you to store, organize, and access files easily.

Notifications or alerts

The Swit platform provides real-time notifications and updates, ensuring that you are informed about project progress and any changes made.

Customizable templates

It offers customizable workflows and project templates, enabling you to modify the platform to your specific needs and work processes.


For projects,

💰 Startup - $0.80 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Growth - $4 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business - $7 /user/month, billed annually.

💰 Business Pro - $16 /user/month, billed annually.

Rating and reviews

  • 4.7 out of 5 (358 reviews) by G2.

Choose any perfect Clickup alternative to handle your complex business projects & ease your workflow

When exploring the mentioned 17 alternatives to ClickUp, you'll come across numerous options that will be more suitable for your needs. 

Each of them operates differently and comes with varying price points, so it's important to examine how user-friendly they are. Start evaluating if they can be customized to meet your requirements, and how effectively they facilitate managing projects and team collaboration.

However, if you're searching for an incredibly simple way to manage your business workflow, Zixflow can be the solution that streamlines your work! Wondering why? Well, it's easy to use, smart task management, lead capturing form builder, and sales and marketing deal management are some reliable features to drive revenue in your business.

And, the cherry on the top? Take full advantage of the benefits while signing up with Zixflow for a free demo. Trust me, you'll be thanking me later because this tool is simply amazing!

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