Automate your lead generation process with Zixflow

To automate your lead generation process, you can use chatbots, email automation sequences, and dynamic landing pages. These methods will allow you to get more leads with fewer efforts

Automate your lead generation process with Zixflow

Today, the customer journey has changed. Customers buy experiences, not products. A few years ago, everyone was generating leads through billboards, radio commercials, and designing print marketing materials. But now it’s important for brands to have a good sales engagement plan to help get them more customers.

74% of users say that customer experience is an important factor, but if you see the actual numbers, only 45% of customers get a good customer experience. It will not let you build a long-lasting relationship with your clients. Zixflow helps you automate your lead generation process effectively.

So, when a potential customer opts in to receive your emails, you can send them a sequence of messages designed to increase their interest in your product or service, then adjust your emails automatically in the sales cadence based on their behaviour.

What is lead generation, and why should you automate it?

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into someone who has indicated an interest in your company products or services. Tell them about it and try to build a lasting relationship. Some examples of lead generators are job applications, blog posts, coupons, live events, and online content.

Automating the lead generation means you will be able to secure more leads with fewer efforts. You can prioritize which leads to a chase, you can nurture prospects and keep track of your progress.


Chatbots helps to automate the lead generation process and these little robots are amazing at removing friction from a customer to business interaction. They indicate that not only businesses are passionate about chatbots as marketing, customer service, and lead generation solutions, the customers themselves find it appealing too. And there’s no secret behind it. Furthermore, as per recent statistics on B2B sales, around 39% of B2B companies have integrated AI chatbot into their lead generation strategy.

Customer engagement is the critical requirement to boost your sales and chatbots are an excellent lead generation tool to keep your customers engaged. Research suggests that businesses that successfully engage with their customers can increase customer spend by almost 20% to 40%.

Nurture Leads with Smart Email Automation

Email continues to be the main driver of customer retention and acquisition for small and midsize businesses. According to the data, 81% of SMBs still rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, and 80% for retention.

Email marketing is going to be a critical factor in determining whether someone chooses your business or a competitor, and you need to use it very smartly. Use email to send prospects relevant information that helps them with their decision. 

It could be a blog post, a personal email from a sales representative asking a question about their pain points, or an invite to your next webinar. The more you will connect with your customer, the more you can grow your business.

Provide hot leads to your sales team

The hottest leads are identified and segmented automatically. All that your sales team needs to do is, follow up with the subscribers and download your extra content. You can even notify your sales staff of new leads, letting you follow up quickly and easily.

Dynamic landing pages

These types of landing pages are an excellent way of generating leads at a much greater rate. Furthermore, this process can also be automated.

If you use it correctly, your dynamic landing pages will show different messages, website designs, and even calls-to-action to various users, based on a set of factors, like their location, age, occupation, and so forth.

One of the main reasons to consider using dynamic landing pages is their potential to increase conversion rates. The idea is that instead of arriving on a blanket landing page based on a single campaign, or set of keywords, the pages will be customized. Doing so will help you provide more relevant data to the user. 

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