Chatbot Lead Generation: 5 Automation Ways With Examples

Want to generate leads using chatbots? Here's a guide to how chatbots can help generate sales leads and how chatbots can work 24*7 to upscale your business.

Chatbot Lead Generation: 5 Automation Ways With Examples

Generating leads is essential for every business. It is a vital task that helps scale a company. Without client leads, it is unattainable to grow a business. Lead generation is time-consuming; however, by utilizing modern technologies, one can conveniently generate leads more efficiently. There can be varying ways of generating leads; among them, a means gaining importance is chatbot lead generation. 

Using chatbots and various other automation forms is widespread across several industries. It has taken over multiple human tasks and led to a decrease in the burden on humans. Now the question arises, how chatbot helps in lead generation? Let us get started to discover all about lead generation using chatbots. 

What are lead generation chatbots?


Industries employ lead-generation chatbots to automate the various interactions between customers and businesses. A lead generation chatbot uses conventional methods to accumulate consumer data, qualify leads, and helps customers all through the purchase process. These chatbots also help website users evaluate and explore multiple options. They enable companies to connect actively with prospective customers and convert them into paying customers.  

In recent years, businesses can seamlessly connect with their customers. A strong customer relationship is built when companies offer support 24 hours a day, all week, 365 days a year. Nearly 64% of business owners acknowledge that round the clock customer support is the best functionality of chatbots. With 24*7 customer support, chatbots for lead generation ensure that one never misses a lead. It serves your business outside of working hours at times when your live chat executives or salespersons are unavailable.  

Generate leads with automation 

The beauty of live chats and chatbots is that they are 100% automated. Hence, once they are set up, the technology will get you new leads, irrespective of the bulk traffic you toss toward them. In addition, you would not even be required to appoint anyone at the helm to manage them. Does this not sound great? 

Indeed! It takes more than just installing widgets on your website to fetch results. One must have a strategy in place to highlight the moments where chatbots can prove helpful and understand the friction one adds to certain situations. Therefore, you must try out specific strategies to better understand how chatbot helps in lead generation. To know more about them, stay glued.  

How do chatbots qualify leads? 

While answering the question, how chatbot help in lead generation? you must understand how it qualifies leads. 

Businesses with an online presence must employ multiple marketing techniques and tools to communicate with potential clients and recognize them as leads easily. Imagine how difficult it would be if you had to converse with various prospective clients and had to keep track of all the chats. It is a highly challenging task. 

However, lead generation chatbots simplify the method for websites. It generates leads by obtaining the necessary information about the prospective clients and delivering it to the suitable salesperson. In the entire course of 2021, 67% of customers around the world engaged in chats with a chatbot. Resultantly, prospective clients and customers might learn about a service or product through active conversations with AI agents and chatbots that are designed to assist them. Additionally, many businesses employ lead-generating chatbots to produce more leads by utilizing distinctive strategies. According to data on B2B sales statistics, around 39% of B2B companies have integrated with AI chatbots for lead generation. Listed below are some unique techniques that AI chatbots might put to use for qualifying potential customers for their business websites:

Ways how chatbot helps in automate lead generation (with examples) 

Automate lead qualification and capturing leads process in CRM

Automate lead qualification and capture leads in CRM with Zixflow Leadbot.

Chatbots are an essential communication channel between businesses and their customers, including prospective clients. The conversational format on Chatbots is the ideal approach to qualifying leads. A lead-generating chatbot can enable a business to engage users and deliver prompt responses effectively. The best part is one can use the chatbots to qualify leads even when the salespersons are not around.  

A chatbot template designed for lead generation can help your organization reach out to a broader audience without having the sales teams involved. 

You can set up lead qualifying questions in the CRM integrated chatbot and let it quality prospective leads by asking the right questions. What can make it more appealing is the conversational format. Leads can directly reach the sales teams, and the salesperson can work on preparing for an appointment.  

Zixflow brings you the right chatbot for effective lead generation. It helps qualify leads without any human being around. This means your sales process is on a switched-on mode 24*7. 

Lead Generation form by Zixflow.

Interactive user experience to increase conversion rates 

While visiting websites, you must have generic forms to fill up your particulars like name, email address, and others. Almost every other website features something parallel. No wonder website visitors find it frustrating and monotonous. This outdated way of doing things is not just inconvenient but also dull. Businesses must understand that their prospective customers already have ten different tabs open with their competitors. They are already comparing offers and eliminating the least impressive ones. In such a competitive scenario, if your business is not standing out and offering something compelling, you are most likely to lose your competitors to others. 

However, your answer to make things swift and exciting on your website are chatbots. If you wish to generate leads using your website, try appointing a chatbot that greets your guests with conversational tones. Personalized interactions, along with spontaneously answering all the queries of the website visitors, definitely fetch you brownie points.  

Delivering a friendly experience is a leading chatbot lead generation example. With a friendly chat bot available to answer their queries, visitors are more likely to interact and get details about your business. Two-way communication with the visitor has more chances of fetching your contact details as compared to the outdated way of filling out forms. 

Without exploring for hours, your website visitors can get the information they want using chatbots.  

A lead generation chatbot helps with spontaneous details and answers and ensures the user encounters a pleasant experience. It would let you stand out from the crowd by illustrating your commitment to delivering a unique customer experience to your website visitors or prospective clients. Lead generation chatbots help businesses tailor every lead's experience per their specific requirements.

Always available personalized customer experience.


Make lead generation fun with Chatbots

The next point while answering how chatbot helps in lead generation is delivering a personalized experience. Personalizing client experience on your web portal is suitable for generating leads. It is quite a lot about delivering the relevant information to your website visitors at the apt time. Personalized interactions can help your chatbot meet the visitors' requirements and make them feel valued simultaneously. Chatbots are a great way to connect with your website visitors even when none of your salespeople is available.  

When your chatbot has a visitor and begins conversing with them, it should ask relevant questions on topics that might interest the customer. The questions chatbots ask the customers must be based on previous data collected on them. Also, one can line up questions based on the customer's activities visiting the website. There can also be a provision to produce informative data for the visiting customers to educate them on your offered solutions further.  

If the website visitors are your previous customers, your chatbot can use the last details to evaluate their previous buying habits and behavior. For instance, you can trigger your lead bot with a proactive target message whenever a website visitor lands on the website using a specific URL, in the case of a paid search campaign. You can also offer discounts and special offers via the lead bot on a purchase with certain conditions. 

24*7 customer support and lead generation.


Convert visitors on all platforms at all times.

One of the multiple ways how chatbot helps lead generation is by offering customer support around the clock. Chatbots help you in providing informative details and support to website visitors. Nearly 64% of website visitors claim that the best feature of chatbots is that they can offer 24*7 customer support. On the other hand, marketing individuals best like the feature that chatbots can convert web traffic into qualified sales leads outside of working hours. The conversational approach while extending customer support is an ideal chatbot lead generation example. 

For instance, if a visitor turns to your website looking for assistance or customer support and finds what they came looking for, they are more likely to convert to paying customers. Remember, in a world where humans have nearly little patience; it is essential to fetch them their needs speedily. Such assistance leaves an impressive impression on them, and they become your most potential sales leads.  

A sales team can also have the chatbot to collect customer information so they can contact the prospective lead anytime later. Alternatively, the chatbot can send the most potential leads to a live salesperson on chat for better conversions. Lastly, to ensure a smooth customer experience, have your chatbot installed in an easy-to-spot space where it is visible, and visitors actively engage in asking questions.  

Real-time responses with zero wait time

Chatbots are not available to take up the jobs of salespersons; instead, they are there to assist them. Chatbots or lead bots perform impressively with the prospective customer journey. They work in assisting sales teams and enhancing customer communications. As per a detailed Oracle study, 80% of marketing professionals have used chatbots since 2020. 

Using lead bots or chatbots is an incredible way to save money and time. In addition, it also eliminates the requirements of filling up lengthy and tedious information forms. Every step along the way, lead bots keep asking for more details about the website visitors. It simplifies and speeds up the information acquiring process. Conclusively, it helps lead generation without customers filling up lengthy forms. And as a result, customers are less frustrated and can make buying calls immediately. They get to choose the most appropriate options rapidly.  

Time to switch to chatbots for sales!

With advancing technology, Artificial Intelligence is a dire need in today's business. The communication quality of an organization plays a vital role in its success. Customers desire quick responses, round-the-clock support, and easy conversational interactions. Automation is a highly convenient method to reform how your company communicates with customers and prospective leads. Chatbots for lead generation boost sales by enhancing sales engagement in the best possible ways. Utilizing lead bots for automated chats with prospective leads is always a winning strategy. You can schedule a free demo with a Zixflow expert to understand more about lead bot automation. With a detailed understanding, you can decide whether to switch to chatbot assistance for lead generation. 

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