7 Ecommerce Email Marketing Case Studies to Inspire You

E-commerce email marketing case studies include the success stories of Birchbox, Vitrazza, Dell, Envelopes.com, Draper James, Argos, and Eternity Modern.

7 Ecommerce Email Marketing Case Studies to Inspire You

Sometimes, when we are doing something for the first time, we look for ideas or examples of how others have done it before. This is to ensure we do not make any mistakes and get the most out of our efforts. 

The same is the case with sales and marketing. Before you adopt a sales strategy for your B2B business or design e-commerce email marketing strategies to boost revenue, you need to understand its inner workings and how successful brands have done it in the past. 

Having said that, here are some of the motivational e-commerce email marketing case studies to give an idea of how businesses that faced certain challenges overcame them via innovative email marketing initiatives. So, without further ado, let’s dive into it!

7 inspiring e-commerce email marketing case studies 

Learning how e-commerce businesses overcome their marketing hurdles and hit their goals will allow you to put yourself in their shoes and achieve similar results. Let’s get to it!


Birchbox is a lifestyle e-commerce brand with a large portion of its audience being online shoppers. The primary challenge they faced was to acquire new customers. They utilized the sales psychology techniques of racing out to leads continuously with well-spaced follow-up emails instead of tons of marketing ones. 

A follow-up email example of Birchbox.

These follow-ups consist of special offers or coupon codes mentioned in a “forgetful” way, encouraging potential customers to not miss this opportunity and purchase the product they want quickly. 

The outcome of this simple yet effective strategy allows Birchbox to generate new subscribers as these personalized emails build up an emotional connection. 

So, if your promotional emails are not giving you the desired results, you can write interpersonal follow-ups to create a solid connection and adopt a relationship-selling approach for getting sales. 


Vitrazza is a company designing luxurious glass chair mats for office and work-from-home setups. Vitrazza was struggling with its email initiatives because it didn’t receive much traction in terms of engagement and revenue. 

A welcome email flow consisting of customer testimonials from Vitrazza. Source

The solution they came up with is to create an entirely new welcome email series containing tailored emails highlighting its USP. The marketing campaign grabbed attention as it was extremely tailored to its audience. This welcome flow consisted of personalized content with testimonials from past customers. 

The result? Toe company’s revenue increased by 55% and the CTR by 20%. The welcome flow generated $564,200 in revenue within four months. This goes to show that the right improvements made to crucial flows can change your overall promotional success.

Want to achieve similar success as Vitrazza?

Then get started with Zixflow, a dynamic email marketing and automation platform to help you convert prospects effectively

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Dell is a world-renowned computer accessories manufacturer that ran into an issue when it launched a new product. To introduce this product, it used the innovative idea of using GIFs in its email marketing campaigns.

A product launch email example from Dell that includes a GIF of its latest product.

This way, Dell ensured that its potential customers were informed about the latest product launch and could see how it looked from their inboxes. 

With this GIF-centered email marketing approach, Dell was able to gain 109% in sales via their email marketing efforts.  

Dell’s example showcases the power of sending engaging and interactive emails as part of your email marketing strategy. Sending product GIFs or videos is a great way to boost sales engagement and explain to your prospects how to make the most of your new launches. 


A frequent occurrence in the e-commerce industry is visitors adding items to their carts but leaving without finishing the checkout process. And same was the case with Envelopes.com. The company made its aim to reach out to these sales opportunities and convert them into paying customers.

A cart abandonment follow-up email from Envelopes.com.

To achieve its goal, the marketing team wanted to figure out the best timeframe to connect with leads to convince them to complete the payment process. So they used A/B testing and created two email campaigns that will be sent at different time frames after a prospect abandoned their cart. 

Using this method, Envelop.com was able to identify the perfect time to get in touch with its prospects and encourage them to purchase the item(s) in their carts. This resulted in the company improving its conversion rate by over 40% by simply sending timely reminders. 

Draper James

Draper James is a clothing brand that focuses solely on women’s wear and wardrobe accessories. Being a top-of-the-line company, Draper James was having issues compelling prospects to make a purchase without sounding overly promotional. In the absence of incentives, many leads would simply not buy anything. 

An engaging product recommendation email example from Draper James. Source

To resolve this issue, Draper James concentrated on its email copies and took help from an AI-powered engine to generate its email content. This way, Draper James was able to motivate prospects and convert them into paying customers. 

On top of that, it utilized customer-centric selling methodology, using customers’ past purchases to recommend them relevant products, thereby prompting them to make a second purchase. 

All of this effort resulted in generating 10X new customers for Draper James and a 30% increase in repeat customers. Plus, by using AI in its marketing strategies, Draper James saved a lot of time and effort by automating everyday activities. 

Looking for a platform to help you get a similar number of customers as Draper James?

With Zixflow, you can craft tailored email copies using AI Wizard and set up automated cadences to send them to your prospects at the correct time

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Argos, a toy and furniture brand located in the United Kingdom was also having the same issue of cart abandonment. It wanted to boost conversion rates via its cart abandonment email flow. 

A cart abandonment and product recommendation email example from Argos.

Argos started to re-engage prospects with tailored email messages after they abandoned their cart. Utilizing the browsing history and past interactions, the company crafted personalized emails to compel prospects to come back and complete the checkout process. 

Additionally, Argos implemented the cross-selling strategy by suggesting similar products in their follow-up emails that may grab attention and increase the likelihood of getting a sale. And that is exactly what happened. Argos was able to gain a lot of sales from these previously abandoned carts.

Eternity Modern

Eternity Modern is a Mid Century modern furniture store famous for its contemporary couches, top-quality wooden products, and other household furniture. 

Being a walk-in store, Eternity Modern didn’t plan on running email marketing campaigns and because of that had to create a marketing roadmap from scratch. Also, it had to ensure that selling its products online was more beneficial than the money spent on running marketing initiatives.

An automated browse abandonment email from Eternity Modern.

To tackle the issues at hand, Eternity Modern used e-commerce automation and designed a bunch of automated email workflows including welcome emails, a cart abandonment flow, and a product suggestion series

Following that, the company segmented its audience into smaller lists and reached out to them pretty often. By having multiple email flows for various situations, Eternity Modern to increase its brand visibility and lower its spam scores. 

The outcome was something nobody expected. Within the first three months since implementing the new email marketing strategy, the company generated $80,000/month and boosted this number to $289,000/month in under one year. 

Kickstart your e-commerce email marketing using these successful case studies as an inspiration

These seven inspiring e-commerce email marketing case studies have shown that even to this date, traditional marketing channels are still as effective as they were in the past. 

From personalized campaigns that leverage customer data to creative and compelling content that captures attention, these examples showcase the unlimited possibilities of using email marketing and how brands have used that to achieve desired results. 

That being said, you will need an email marketing platform that lets you create email flows, run drip email campaigns, and automate outreach to connect with customers at the right time. 

An excellent solution that lets you do all that from a single web application is Zixflow. With Zixflow, you can design tailored email campaigns that can be set up and executed within minutes using its no-code email builder. 

Zixflow’s no-code email campaign builder to set up your e-commerce email marketing initiatives. 

Not just that. By utilizing sales cadences, you can automate your follow-ups to re-engage prospects post cart abandonment just like how the brands mentioned above were able to and make them come back to complete their purchase.

An example of a welcome email sales cadence in Zixflow to engage your new prospects automatically. 

Another great thing about Zixflow is you can get started for free. You can create a free account without needing to provide any credit card details and with the campaign wallet, you will be changed only for the emails you send. 

So what’s the wait for? Build a solid e-commerce email marketing strategy with Zixflow and start converting losing sales into winning ones effortlessly. 

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