CRM – the ultimate saviour of your organization's success

On average, sales and marketing costs average from 15%-35% of total corporate costs. The effort to automate for more efficiency is essential

CRM – the ultimate saviour of your organization's success

On average, sales and marketing costs average from 15%-35% of total corporate costs. So the effort to automate for more sales efficiency is essential. In cases reviewed, sales increase due to advanced CRM technology has ranged from 10% to more than 30%.

CRM, Customer Relationship Management is a system that aims to improve the relationship with existing customers, find new prospective customers, and win back former customers. Zixflow CRM software facilitates collecting, organizing and managing customer information - all in one place so that you save your precious time and can focus on more productive work.

There were times when CRMs were just for large-scale organizations with huge databases of customers, but now things have changed, and CRMs are advantageous to even small and medium-sized organizations.

These softwares are designed in a way that they can easily keep track and streamline your processes. A CRM system like Zixflow can be one of the most powerful lead nurturing tools in your arsenal. The outcomes of this CRM include improved customer service, deepened customer relationships, retention of new customers, better sales engagement process, and much more. Additionally, performing CRM audits regularly will further enhance your productivity.

A business with CRM & without CRM

Suppose you get an out of the blue phone call or email wanting to reconnect after several years. The person might not remember you as you are not in touch with your old clients, and it may happen because we all tend to forget things. But, with Zixflow CRM software, you can easily build long-lasting relationships.

With a well-organized CRM system, you get to track regular communication, schedule touch calls and probably several nurturing emails of helpful information using sales cadence that keep your business top of mind with your clients. With the help of stored data, you can also re-engage with your existing as well as lost customers through CRM retargeting strategy.

Missed communication, missed follow up and unable to find the right information to connect with a customer, is what it is like being without an easy-to-use CRM system.  Time and now, we have seen prospective salespeople not having the right process or tools to work effectively. They keep calling the main office and do not have detailed contact information. They do not have accurate prior sales history on what the customer had previously purchased. 

They have to do rather rudimentary Google searches to build up intelligence about the person and business they are trying to contact.

Zixflow allows you to keep an easy connection with your contacts or clients so that you can have a lasting relationship with them.

Here is how Zixflow helps you grow:

Zixflow helps you improve customer relationships with its centralized customer data: 

Customer data is critical for your business. So, maintaining your customer records accurately is one of the most important things to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

It helps you build more lively and sustainable relationships: 

To know your clients and develop a deep and clear understanding of your client's business, their goals and choices are highly necessary for business growth and maintaining good relationships. Understanding customers is the key to providing them with the best service which in turn, results in stronger customer relationships.

Reduction in your sales cost: 

Making a thoughtful and strategic approach and implementing marketing campaigns to capture or generate new leads requires more human effort and budget. Selling to your potential customers and gaining deep insights to upsell, cross-sell, and renewal options can boost repeat customer sales.

Provides better, efficient & reliable customer service: 

With the help of the Zixflow CRM system, you can respond to the customer’s behaviour and the evolving marketing trends appropriately. It helps you in accessing real-time sales, customer reviews, and challenges before customers and constantly changing marketing trends and technologies.

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