17 Best Ecommerce Newsletter Examples & Ideas for Inspiration

The best 17 ecommerce newsletter examples & ideas to help you to create your own include newsletters from Nykaa, Nike, Tommy Hilfiger, and many more.

17 Best Ecommerce Newsletter Examples & Ideas for Inspiration

In today’s crowded inbox, you’re likely bypassing generic discount emails without a second glance. As a business owner, your goal is clear: you want engagement, brand loyalty, and ultimately, more sales, right? But how can you create newsletters that truly resonate with your customers?

The secret lies in finding inspiration! By examining successful ecommerce newsletters, you can uncover a wealth of ideas to enhance your own email marketing strategy. 

That is why, I’ve compiled 17 outstanding examples that showcase tactics capable of transforming your newsletters from forgettable to phenomenal.

Let’s dive into the basics together! 

What exactly is the newsletter?

A newsletter, which is delivered through email, allows you to share news, updates, or content with your brand’s subscribed audience. It keeps your customers informed about new products, upcoming events, and industry trends or helps your customers engage with your brand. 

Newsletters are usually sent out regularly and include text, images, and links to encourage visits to your brand’s website or social media platforms. 

Why is a newsletter important for ecommerce businesses?

Newsletters are an essential tool for your online store, offering several key benefits that can help grow your business. Let’s explore why newsletters are important and how they can positively impact your ecommerce efforts:

Engaging customers

Newsletters help you maintain connections with your customers and ensure your brand stays top of mind. By consistently sharing valuable content, you can encourage customers like yourself to revisit your website and make repeat purchases this will help you enhance your sales efficiency.

Building your brand

You can use newsletters to share your brand’s story, values, and mission with customers. This builds trust and loyalty, ultimately increasing your brand’s lifetime value.

Content sharing

Newsletters serve as an excellent tool for sharing valuable content like blog posts, industry updates, and educational resources. This type of content marketing helps establish your expertise, and ease your sales process to attract new customers. 

Trackable performance 

Email marketing provides detailed metrics on newsletter performance, such as open rates, link clicks, and purchase conversions. These insights help refine future campaigns and maximize your marketing efforts. 

Targeted offers

Newsletters enable you to send tailored promotions and discounts to specific segments of your customer base. This approach can effectively boost sales and manage inventory.

17 best ecommerce newsletter examples & ideas for inspiration

Now that I’ve covered the basic information, let’s move on to the main point. Here are 17 of the best newsletter examples and ideas to inspire your own email marketing strategy and elevate your ecommerce business.


Nykaa is your go-to online store for beauty and cosmetic products. Founded by Falguni Nayar in 2012, it offers skincare, makeup, haircare, etc. This Nykaa’s newsletter is a great example to inspire you. Its design is visually appealing and well-organized, making it easy to read. It introduces the founder, briefly overviews the company, and shares website rankings and traffic data.

Nykaa’s informative newsletter example.(Source)

The contact information is clear, making it easy for anyone to get in touch. You can take ideas from this newsletter as an example by combining key company details, performance metrics, and accessibility to engage and inform your audience effectively.


Imagine receiving an email from Nike announcing their revamped website. The subject line, “Introducing the New Nike.com”, immediately tells you what to expect. When you open it, a striking banner image showcases the redesigned site. The message focuses on what’s in it for you: inspiring athlete stories, motivational content from Nike+, and an easier shopping experience.

Newsletter example of Nike.(Source)

They top it off with a clear Call To Action (CTA). So, to create your own effective ecommerce newsletter, use a clear subject line, eye-catching visuals, customer-focused benefits, and calls to action. These strategies, along with audience segmentation, personalization, and A/B testing, will help boost sales engagement and loyalty among your subscribers.


This eye-catching newsletter from Ritual shows how a successful ecommerce newsletter can look. It uses pictures and text to connect with audiences like you. A big headline grabs your attention and tells you what Ritual is all about. Pictures and graphs keep you interested and help explain things visually.

Ritual’s good newsletter example.

The newsletter is short and clear, so you get the message quickly. They also use customer stories to show that people trust their products. At the end, they ask you to take action, like visiting their website. 

This Ritual newsletter is a good example to inspire you to make your own ecommerce newsletter. You can include visuals, clear writing, customer stories, and a CTA to make your newsletter effective.


This Recess newsletter shows a great way to create an informative newsletter. Here’s why it’s good: It looks great with a bright banner that shows off products and includes a picture of someone enjoying a Recess drink, making it relatable. 

Recess’s colorful newsletter example.

The text is fun and easy to read, using emojis and short sentences so you can quickly understand it. While it promotes a new product, it also tells a story about how the product was made, which makes you care more about the brand. 

To make your own newsletter, use high-quality pictures, write in a friendly and simple way, and include a story to connect with your readers.


This newsletter of Endota is a great example of an inspirational one. It uses positive affirmations and speaks to the audience's desire for self-care like you. Here is what makes it successful: it has a clear purpose to connect with an audience like you and promote well-being, uses a clean and modern design with high-quality images, and includes a short inspirational message, information about the company’s philosophy, and a call to action. 

Endota’s newsletter example.

To make your own inspirational newsletter, know your audience and their needs, set goals for what you want to achieve, create high-quality and engaging content, and make it easy for readers to take action with a clear call to action. 

You can also feature customer stories, share quotes from inspirational people, offer tips for better living, and promote events and workshops. By following these tips, you’ll connect with your audience and reach your goals.

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This Unsplash newsletter is a type of newsletter, called a curation newsletter, which delivers selected content based on audience interests like you. I will tell you why it is a good ecommerce newsletter example: 

  • It uses visuals with a clear headline.
  • A grid of high-quality photos to grab your attention.
  • It starts with a personalized greeting, making you feel valued.
  • The text is short, highlights the value (new free photos), and sets expectations (team’s favorites).
  • While there isn’t a direct call to action, it encourages an audience like you to browse and use the photos.
Newsletter of Unsplash.

So like this, you can also use elements like these and adapt them to your brand and audience. Also, consider segmenting your audience, tailoring content for different segments, and including a clear CTA that fits your goals.

Eight Sleep

This testimonial newsletter from Eight Sleep effectively uses positive reviews from customers to promote their sleep products. It features strong visuals with images of professional athletes like Dale Moss, Alex Silver-Fagan, and Sabrina Wieser, grabbing audience attention like yours and making the newsletter visually appealing.

Eight Sleep’s newsletter example for ecommerce businesses.

The quotes from these trusted athletes build credibility for Eight Sleep’s products. The newsletter ends with a clear call to action, guiding you on what to do next. 

By taking ideas from this newsletter you can use high-quality visuals to break up text, feature testimonials from credible sources to build trust, and include a clear call to action to direct your readers. 

By following these ideas, you can make your testimonial newsletter both informative and persuasive, effectively promoting your products or services, building trust, handling customer engagement, and increasing your sales.


Similar to the Eight Sleep newsletter, this Glossier newsletter is another perfect example of a product-focused newsletter that uses positive customer reviews and testimonials to build trust with potential buyers. It highlights user-generated content, showing real customer reviews, which can be very convincing for people looking for social proof. 

Newsletter example of Glossier.

Also, they mentioned images that feature brows and products, to make the newsletter visually appealing and relevant to the products. The text is brief and easy to read, so the audience like you can quickly understand the message. 

In the same way, you can also create your own effective ecommerce newsletter, focus on showcasing your products, use customer reviews and testimonials, keep the text short and to the point, and include high-quality visuals.


A good newsletter always includes clear and concise messages, and this is what Lush highlights in their newsletter mentioned below for subscribers. The welcome message is straightforward, letting you know what to expect from future emails. The Lush logo and a simple background strengthen the brand. 

Lush’s ecommerce newsletter example for you to get an idea.

The newsletter offers exclusive content, like a behind-the-scenes look at Lush, to keep the audience like you engaged. It also includes a clear call to action, encouraging you to shop online or explore Lush’s videos. 

You can also take ideas from this newsletter to create your own effective newsletters. Remember to segment your audience to send targeted newsletters, keep them concise, use an easy-to-read font, include a call to action, and test your newsletters to ensure they look good on all devices.


This Patagonia newsletter is an amazing example of blending storytelling with promotion. It effectively grabs attention with a powerful visual element, a photo from Schaefer’s film, that hints at the adventure portrayed in the film. The newsletter goes beyond just promoting the film, it tells a compelling story about Schaefer’s decade of climbing in Patagonia and how it inspired the film’s creation. 

Patagonia’s informational newsletter.

The newsletter also includes a clear call to action, prompting an audience like you to watch the film by clicking a button.

All-in-all, this newsletter shows how to craft an engaging newsletter using strong visuals, storytelling, a CTA, and promoting brand values. You can create your own impactful newsletter by taking ideas inspired by Patagonia’s newsletter.

Under Armour

This educational newsletter from Under Armour serves as great inspiration for creating your own. It provides valuable content focused on fitness and weight loss, which is relevant to audience interests like you. 

Under Armour’s great newsletter example.

By sharing informative content, Under Armour becomes known as a trusted source in these areas, keeping its subscribers engaged and eager for future newsletters. The subtle promotion of relevant products or services is included without overwhelming subscribers with sales pitches. 

You can adapt this approach for your brand by considering your needs to make content and visuals for your ideal customer, mixing informative content with promotions and human-interest stories. Use high-quality visuals to enhance appeal, and always end with a CTA.

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The Trello newsletter is a good example of content marketing done well. It uses catchy headlines and interesting visuals to grab your attention. For instance, headlines like “Should Your Team Adopt a Five-Hour Workday?” make you curious about the topic, right? The design is simple with Trello’s blue and white colors, and the visuals are straightforward yet effective in illustrating ideas.

Trello’s ecommerce newsletter example for an idea.

The newsletter covers a variety of topics that are relevant to Trello’s audience, including practical tips, inspiring stories, and thought-provoking articles. 

By following the above examples, you can create your own engaging newsletter that connects with your readers and helps achieve your marketing goals. Remember to focus on what interests your audience, set clear goals, keep a regular schedule, and track how well your newsletter performs.

Tommy Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfiger is a famous fashion brand known for its classic American style and innovative designs. Their below-mentioned newsletter introduces a new collection in an informative way that reflects the brand's values of energy and attitude. This newsletter is a great example of how to launch a product in an informative way effectively. 

Another newsletter example of Tommy Hilfiger.

It’s short, looks good, and uses bold colors like red, white, and blue, which are typical for Tommy Hilfiger. It’s aimed at people who like fashionable clothes and talks about the new collection. 

The picture in the newsletter shows the products prominently, showing how they look. The words are brief but tell you what's special about the collection that fits with the brand. So, it encourages buyers like you to check out and buy new items. 

Looking at how Tommy Hilfiger does this can help you create your own newsletter for launching products that your customers will enjoy and get excited about with a proper informative newsletter.


Harry’s sells grooming products for men, like shaving supplies and personal care items. Their newsletter, “Five O’Clock,” is the best example for other businesses like you to learn from. It’s easy to read with a clean design and clear information. The newsletter gives useful tips on shaving better and talks about Harry’s products in a friendly way. 

Harry’s newsletter example.

Instead of just selling, it focuses on helping you. Here’s why it is the best: the headline, “The Art of (Post) Shaving”, is clear and fits the audience. The picture is nice, and the layout works well on computers and phones. It shares real tips on shaving, not just product ads. 

In the end, it encourages audiences like you to shop for Harry’s products. By using these ideas, you can make newsletters for your brand that are helpful and engaging for your customers.


This Casper newsletter is a great instance of an informative newsletter because it focuses on the Humidity Fighting Duvet. The headline, “Casper Labs: Creating a Humidity-Fighting Duvet”, clearly introduces the innovative product. The newsletter explains how this duvet helps people who get hot while sleeping, mentioning its benefits.

Ecommerce newsletter example of Casper.

It has a clean design with nice pictures and ends with a clear call to action to “learn more” about the product. 

So like Casper’s newsletter, you can also make your newsletter effective by highlighting how your product solves customer problems, using attractive visuals, keeping your message concise, and always including a clear call to action that will support you to increase your outbound sales strategies.


The Soylent newsletter you're looking at is a good example of a teaser email. It uses a playful tone to make you curious about a new product without giving away much information. This approach makes you excited to learn more when they announce it later. 

An example newsletter of Soylent for your idea.

The newsletter is short and only mentions the announcement date and a brief message. It’s designed simply with the Soylent logo and product categories, keeping the focus on the message. You can use this idea for your newsletter to build anticipation. Ensure your tone matches your brand’s style and keep your messages short and clear.

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The newsletter from Grammarly is a good example of a newsletter that informs and engages users like you. It’s designed to show progress using their writing software, called a customer progress report. What makes it effective is how it uses charts to display improvements in areas like word count, accuracy, and vocabulary.

Grammarly’s example of a newsletter.

This visual approach makes it easy to understand and keeps the audience interested. To create an attractive newsletter, use charts to present information clearly, personalize the content to suit your readers, and include a clear action for them to take, such as visiting your website or joining a promotion.

Take inspiration from these ecommerce newsletters to boost your brand’s visibility

After checking out these 17 great ecommerce newsletters, you’ve got lots of ideas to boost your own email marketing. Whether it’s Patagonia’s stories or Soylent’s teasers, these newsletters show how to get attention and connect with your audience. 

By using pictures, personalizing messages, and keeping your brand voice consistent, you can create newsletters that inform and connect with customers.

But with this, if you’re looking for an email marketing platform to streamline your email creation also, there are email marketing software for ecommerce like Zixflow. Zixflow is a CRM platform that goes beyond email marketing, but it also allows you to automate your emails with drag-and-drop functionality and design features.

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So start today by just creating a free account. With the right strategy and platform, you can turn your ecommerce business into a reliable revenue generator.

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