29 Cart Abandonment Statistics You Should Know & Improve

29 of the best cart abandonment statistics to boost your ecommerce strategy, recover lost sales, and learn how to improve them.

29 Cart Abandonment Statistics You Should Know & Improve

Shopping cart abandonment can be frustrating for any online store owner like you. You’ve put in the effort to curate your products, design a user-friendly website, and drive traffic. However, just before completing a purchase, potential customers often disappear. But don’t worry!

Understanding the reasons behind cart abandonment helps you create effective strategies to recover abandoned carts and turn them into successful conversations.  

In this detailed blog, I have listed 29 cart abandonment statistics that will provide you with the insights you need to navigate the ecommerce landscape effectively.

Let’s jump in!

29 cart abandonment statistics you must know

Understanding how shoppers behave online is really important for your ecommerce business. One key thing to watch is your cart abandonment rate, it shows how many customers start to buy something but then don’t finish. This shopping cart abandonment rate helps you see where you might be losing sales and how to make your checkout process better.  

Now let’s take a look at 29 cart abandonment statistics that can give you insight into improving your sales efficiency and customer experience.

Statistic 1: According to the Baymard Institute, a leading authority on ecommerce usability, the average cart abandonment rate is 70.19%, based on their analysis of 49 separate studies. This means that most shoppers add items to their online shopping carts but leave the site before completing their purchase. To improve this statistic for your business, focus on several key areas: 

  • Simplify your checkout process.
  • Offer multiple payment options.
  • Improve website speed and usability.
  • Provide clear shipping information and costs upfront.
  • Address customer concerns through live chat support.

Also, you can implement strategies such as sending abandoned cart emails, offering limited-time discounts, and ensuring mobile optimization to help reduce your cart abandonment rates.

Statistic 2: Shopping cart abandonment rates show how many people put items in their online cart but don’t finish buying them. So, more customers leave their carts on mobile devices which is 85.65% than on desktops 73.07% according to Barilliance. This happens because mobile screens are smaller, it’s harder to find things, pages might load slower, and people might worry about security. 

To improve this, make sure mobile pages load fast, make the checkout process easy and help your customers trust your site’s security. Also, use designs that work well on both mobile and desktop, offer discounts for mobile users, and let people pay easily. 

Statistic 3: The statistics provided by ThinkShop reveal industry-specific abandonment rates for various sectors: 

  • Retail: 72.8% 
  • Travel bookings: 81.7%
  • Finance: 83.6%
  • Fashion: 68.3% 

These rates indicate the percentage of users who initiate but do not complete transactions or interactions on websites or apps within these industries. 

Making your website easier to use and faster is key. Simplify the checkout process so it’s straightforward for your customers to complete their purchases without confusion. Be crystal clear about your prices and policies upfront to build trust.  

Statistic 4: High abandonment rates in online shopping carts often result from unexpected costs like shipping fees and taxes, causing 48% of shoppers to leave their carts (Baymard Institute). 

To reduce this, you can clearly display all costs upfront, offer free shipping thresholds or discounts, simplify checkout processes, and use personalized emails to remind customers to complete their purchases. Plus, you can check our blog on the best-abandoned carts email examples to regain your customers.

Statistic 5: According to the Baymard Institute, 26% of customers abandon their shopping carts because websites require them to create an account. To fix this, you can make a few changes. 

  • First, give customers the option to check out as a guest without needing to create an account. 
  • Also, show them the benefits of creating an account, like order tracking or special offers.
  • Simplify the sign-up process by asking for less information and allowing social media logins. 

These steps can help you keep more customers on your site and increase your sales.

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Statistic 6: The Baymard Institute reports that 22% of customers abandon their purchases due to a long or complicated checkout process, highlighting a significant challenge for businesses like yours. 

To tackle this issue, you can focus on simplifying the checkout process. You can achieve this by creating an easy-to-use interface with clear instructions. Plus, reducing the number of form fields, and displaying progress indicators can greatly improve the user experience and reduce the likelihood of customers abandoning their purchases.

Statistic 7: The challenge of customers comparing prices elsewhere presents a significant hurdle for you as a brand owner. To improve, make sure your prices are competitive and clear. 

You can offer unique features to make your products more attractive. Consider price-matching or loyalty programs to retain customers. Gather feedback to understand customer expectations better and adjust your pricing strategies accordingly.

Statistic 8: The shopping cart abandonment rate as per Statista shows that 17% of customers leave without buying because they worry about payment security. To improve this, as a business owner, you can do a few things. 

  • Make sure your website is secure with SSL certificates and show trust badges so customers feel safe entering their payment details. 
  • Offer different secure payment options and explain clearly how their payments are protected during checkout. 
  • Also, be available to answer any questions customers have about payments.

Statistic 9: Statista reports that 38% of customers around the world abandon their purchases because of slow delivery times. This shows how important it is for businesses everywhere to tackle this issue. 

To improve, you can speed up delivery by managing your stock and shipping better. You can use better tracking systems and work with trusted shipping companies to give your customers clearer delivery estimates. 

Statistic 10: As per Baymard Institute, 17% of users abandon carts due to website crashes or errors.   

You can enhance your website's stability and functionality to handle this issue. Regular updates and robust error monitoring systems are crucial to identifying and fixing these issues promptly. 

Statistic 11: The Ecommerce Shop mentioned a 7% abandonment rate due to limited payment options showing that many customers leave without completing purchases.  

So to tackle this issue you can offer more payment choices like credit cards, digital wallets (like PayPal), and buy-now-pay-later options. By giving more ways to pay, you can reduce abandoned purchases, make your customers happier, and grow stronger in the market.

Statistic 12: As per the Moosend survey, cart abandonment emails have a high average open rate of 45%.   

To improve effectiveness, you can send emails promptly after abandonment, personalize them with the customer’s name and details of the items left in the cart, and offer incentives like discounts. Testing different email elements like subject lines and content helps find what works best. These strategies can boost open rates, clicks, and sales engagement.

Statistic 13: This statistic by Moosend shows that only about 10.7% of emails sent to remind customers about items they left in their online shopping carts actually lead to a purchase. This means there is a big chance for businesses to improve. 

To do better, you can send these reminder emails promptly after someone leaves items in their cart. You can also make the emails more personal and interesting by mentioning the items left behind or offering discounts.

Statistic 14: The Average Order Value (AOV) is a key metric that shows the average customers spend each time they place an order. Personalized cart abandonment emails have the potential to increase this value. For your business, this means there’s a valuable opportunity to boost revenue by addressing cart abandonment strategically and by gaining customer-centric selling.  

By sending personalized emails to customers who left items in their carts, you can remind them of what they left behind and encourage them to complete their purchases. These emails can include product recommendations based on the customer’s browsing history, special discounts, or free shipping offers to sweeten the deal. 

Statistic 15: Retargeting ads are a great way for business owners like you to get shoppers to come back and complete their purchases. As per Drip 26% of shoppers return and buy something after seeing these ads. 

To make this number better, you can create ads that remind your customers of the products they are interested in. Adding special offers like discounts or free shipping can make these ads even more effective.

Statistic 16: The average time to abandon a cart is an important metric indicating that Half of Americans, as reported by Forter, are less inclined to buy something online if the checkout process exceeds 22 seconds.

This suggests a need for immediate engagement and a streamlined shopping experience to retain potential buyers. You can improve this by enhancing the initial browsing experience, ensuring the website loads quickly, and providing clear and concise product information. 

Statistic 17: You can significantly increase your revenue by sending personalized cart abandonment emails. PreludeSys mentions that businesses can achieve a 15-20% revenue increase by sending personalized cart abandonment emails.

These emails gently remind your customers about items they left in their carts and offer incentives like discounts or free shipping to motivate them to complete their purchases. 

Are you searching for a platform to create abandonment cart emails?

Get started with Zixflow, through which you can generate AI-generated emails or use drag-and-drop builder for professional and sales-boosting emails

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Statistic 18: Adding trust badges can reduce cart abandonment. This is important because many online shoppers leave their carts without buying anything. Trust badges are small icons that show your website is safe and reliable. 

By adding these badges, you can make your customers feel more secure, which makes them more likely to finish their purchase. You can put trust badges, like secure payment symbols, money-back guarantees, and verified reviews, on their checkout pages. 

Statistic 19: Using clear progress indicators during checkout is crucial for your business. These indicators, like progress bars or step-by-step guides, help your customers track their progress easily. When customers can see where they are in the checkout process, it reduces uncertainty and boosts their confidence in completing their purchases. 

This transparency and ease of use can significantly reduce shopping cart abandonment rates and increase your conversion rates. 

Statistic 20: Rakuten Insight highlighted that 54% of shoppers are more likely to complete a purchase when offered free shipping. This statistic presents the significant impact of shipping costs on consumer behavior in ecommerce. 

To use this insight and reduce abandonment rates, you can implement strategies such as setting free shipping thresholds for example, free shipping on orders over $50 or including shipping costs in product pricing.  

Statistic 21: Another important statistic for you to consider is the impact of guest checkout options on reducing cart abandonment rates. Many online shoppers abandon their carts because they find creating an account too complicated. 

By offering a guest checkout option, you can make the buying process simpler and more user-friendly. This approach helps serve customers who prefer convenience and reduces obstacles that might prevent them from completing their purchases. 

Statistic 22: The 9% abandonment rate due to credit card declines, as found by Baymard, shows a common reason why customers leave their shopping carts. 

To improve this, you can ensure your payment systems are reliable and can handle different types of credit cards smoothly. You can do this by setting up real-time error messages that help customers fix payment issues quickly.   

Statistic 23: You often face the challenge of high cart abandonment rates, especially when nearly a quarter of customers (23%) say slow delivery is why they ditch their carts, according to Baymard. 

To tackle this, you can start by speeding up your shipping processes. Always ensure your customers know exactly when their orders will arrive and offer tracking so they feel confident. 

You can also offer free or discounted fast shipping for bigger orders to encourage more sales and handle customer engagement. Keep your checkout process simple and let customers check out without making an account, that way, your customers will be more likely to complete their purchase. 

Statistic 24: As a business owner, you may face challenges with returns because approximately 18% of customers find unsatisfactory return policies a reason for abandoning items (Baymard Institute). 

This indicates the importance of ensuring your return policies are clear and easy to understand. You can clearly explain the return process, extending return periods, and simplifying the return process can help. 

By prioritizing clear and customer-friendly return policies, you can enhance satisfaction and loyalty, reducing abandonment rates and improving overall business performance.

Statistic 25: You know that understanding customer behavior is key to boosting sales and reducing cart abandonment. Baymard Institute found that 21% of customers leave without buying because they can’t see the total cost upfront.  

This shows how important clear pricing is. Customers want to know all costs, shipping, taxes, and fees, before deciding to buy. To solve this, you can use tools that show shipping costs in real-time and display product prices clearly from the start. Giving a breakdown of all costs early on can help too. 

Statistic 26: As a store owner, you know how frustrating it is when customers leave your online store without buying anything. But here’s a neat trick: using popups when customers are about to leave can be super effective. 

According to Optimink, these pop-ups have a solid 17.12% chance of convincing customers to complete their purchase. To make this work for your business, try setting up pop-ups that offer discounts or special deals right when customers are about to leave. Also, make sure your checkout process is smooth and easy.  

Statistic 27: Analyzify’s statistic reveals that 6% of shopping cart abandonments are attributed to credit card declinations. 

For you, this highlights a critical point in the customer journey where potential sales are lost. When this happens at checkout, it stops them from buying, and they often give up on their purchase. 

To fix this, make sure your payment system works well. Use payment services that check cards instantly and offer different ways to pay. Explain clearly how customers can fix payment problems and give them other options to keep them shopping. 

Still confused about how to improve cart abandonment?

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Statistic 28: As a business owner, you know that addressing cart abandonment is crucial for optimizing sales and improving customer satisfaction. From 2020 to 2023, countries like Greece, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, and Serbia experienced a significant increase in cart abandonment rates, rising from 7.1% to 10.4%, according to Analyzify. This trend highlights a challenge in converting potential sales into completed transactions. 

To combat this, consider optimizing your checkout process to make it simpler and faster. Ensure pricing, including shipping costs is clear upfront to manage customer expectations. Implement retargeting strategies such as personalized email reminders or special offers to encourage customers to complete their purchases and this will help you to simplify the sales procedure

Statistic 29: Many beauty and makeup websites are seeing lots of people leave without buying anything. According to Analyzify, on computers, 77% leave, on mobiles, 84% leave, and on tablets, 81% leave without making a purchase. This makes it hard to turn visitors into customers. 

So, you can check your website works well on phones, make it easier to buy products for your customers, and ensure product details are easy to understand on all devices. By checking how customers use their site regularly, you can find and fix problems, making it more likely visitors will buy something.

Take these cart abandonment statistics seriously & win back your customers

I hope these statistics have shown you why it is important to make your checkout process smooth, be clear about the cost, ensure your website is secure, and use effective strategies to bring your customers back. Knowing these facts helps you improve your online store and give customers a hassle-free shopping experience that encourages your customers to finish their purchases.

But, if you’re confused and have no idea how to create professional cart abandonment emails, I recommend you use Zixflow. Zixflow is an AI-powered CRM platform that will help you conquer cart abandonment.

You can easily make cart abandonment email sequences using Zixflow’s sales cadence feature. 

With Zixflow’s omnichannel features, you can connect with your customers on their favorite channels, like email, SMS, or WhatsApp. Using its workflow automation feature like sales cadence, you can create cart abandonment email sequences to re-engage your customers. You can also create emails using the AI wizard, just enter the necessary information, and the AI will generate the email for you and a drag-and-drop email builder will help you make emails easily.

Zixflow drag-and-drop builder to make emails quickly.

Plus, Zixflow provides a centralized inbox, forms to capture leads, an email finder to discover and validate prospects, and many more powerful features. 

Unified inbox of Zixflow to get all your notifications in one place.

Don’t let abandoned carts be a problem, Zixflow helps you turn them into your online sales sidekick! Sign up for a free 7-day trial today and start conquering cart abandonment with Zixflow!

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