11 benefits of sales automation too good to ignore

The benefits of sales automation include easy customer identification, building valuable relationships, simplifying reporting, and personalizing customer journeys.

11 benefits of sales automation too good to ignore

Sales process automation is a transformation tool for entrepreneurs, and in no time has it become a necessity. 

It can eliminate mundane tasks relating to sales pipelines, follow-ups, and lead acquisition. Sales automation benefits are not just limited to automation processes. It also helps businesses to quantify and restructure their workflow and marketing campaigns.  

Sales automation, when combined with marketing automation, generates remarkable results. It saves energy and time and facilitates more revenue generation. 

There are numerous reasons for implementing sales automation tools. One of them is that sales automation software helps you streamline your sales process so your sales staff can focus on nurturing relationships with customers.  

With that said, let’s look at the other benefits of automating your sales process along with its importance.

Why do you need sales automation?

All the marketing exercises finally come down to sales. The sales process starts with fetching potential leads, understanding their requirements, and engaging with them until they convert into clients.

The sales process involves indulging in multiple repetitive documentation and tasks because of which the reps are likely to focus less on the core sales activities.  

Sales automation tools come in as a savior. They take away the burden of repetitive tasks and activities. They are a handy solution for the sales team that helps them concentrate on core sales movements.

Conclusively, if you are looking for a quick and smart way to enhance your productivity and sales, sales automation is your key.

Benefits of sales automation

Sales automation is a crucial part of your sales process. You need to have an automation platform in place to manage your repeating sales tasks so your reps don’t have to worry about them.

Having said that, listed below are the proven benefits of sales automation. Let us have a quick view:

Improve your team's efficiency 

One of the biggest advantages of sales automation is that it allows you to automate your everyday repetitive activities so your sales team can focus on high-quality tasks.

The sales team is one of the most essential building blocks of your business. 

Strengthening your sales team is a key responsibility. Your team functions based on how you change the course of business. The more they concentrate on sales engagement strategies, the better your business performs. 

You can eliminate the burden of repetitive tasks off their charts, such that all they focus on are the sales activities. This can be done by opting for sales automation. 

For instance, by taking care of mundane tasks, your reps can focus on establishing valuable relationships with your customers, resulting in more sales.

It helps you identify potential customers 

When it comes to business, knowledge is king. The more you know about your clients, the better it is for business. Sales automation helps you gather ample data about the customers. 

The automation algorithm performs an incredible job of keeping the data organized. It helps gather knowledge better than what can be done manually. The sales team can apply the filter criteria and extract the potential customers from the uninterested and non-genuine approaches.

The whole automation benefit is that it helps to have successful conversions if your sales team follows only the genuine lot of customers.  

As per Hinge Research studies, 26.2% of high-growth companies have advanced marketing/sales automation in place compared to the low-growth ones (16.6%).

Statistics about how many high-growth companies use advanced sales automation compared to the low-growth ones. (Source)

Enhanced communication 

Automation allows you to optimize your communication process by setting up canned responses for your customer’s common queries and sending them whenever a customer reaches out to you.

Doing so ensures that your sales staff is not burdened with replying to basic questions or common problems your customers face. 

One of the ways to automate your communication is by setting up sales cadences. They are predetermined sequences of automated messages you can create to engage your prospect at every touchpoint. 

Zixflow is a salesOS platform that allows you to build outbound sales cadences to replies and follow-up messages without having to manually handle the task.

Zixflow’s sales cadence to set up automated messaging and replies to your prospect.

Make customer relationships a priority

One of the major sales automation benefits is that it enables you to maintain healthy relationships with your customers

The sales process comprises activities like the first interaction with your potential customers, scheduling meetings, handling objections, and collection of payments. 

Customers value tailored experience and want relevant details every single time. There are additional tasks like sending emails, follow-ups, reminders, and downloads.

You can set up automation software to do it all for you. With every single task automated, you can have happy customers without the need to have awkward conversations with them about payment reminders. 

Simplifies the process of reporting and tracking

Reporting is a long and tedious task. Your managers and sales reps can use an automation platform to send automated emails and reports. 

Automation software helps to gather information much faster than when done manually. Thus, your sales team can save a lot of time as well as enhance sales engagement with automation.

By automating your sales process, it also becomes easier to monitor how your efforts are performing. You get access to all the important analytics in a single dashboard, giving you insights to further simplify your sales process.

Achieve reliable and accurate data 

Another one of the prominent sales automation benefits is that it delivers accurate and reliable data. Dealing with the pricing of several products gets difficult. Automation helps to centralize the entire system of price computation.

It simplifies the price modification process, which further helps to seal the deal with customers. With pricing and products at the fingertips of the sales reps, they can perform better to seal more deals. 

Personalized journey for customers

To convert a one-time client into a loyal customer is quite a challenging task for any business. One of the most convenient ways of doing this is to opt for personalized messages or social media content via automation. 

In a report, McKinsey states that businesses that opted for early adoption of sales automation witnessed high customer satisfaction results and increased sales efficiency by 10 - 15%. They also saw a boost in sales uplift of a maximum of 10%.

On top of that, as per video marketing statistics, over 70% of customers prefer original, exceptional, and targeted content. 

Sales automation tools help streamline the process of conveying apt content to customers via emails. More marketing automation benefits include data collection that helps in qualifying leads and forwarding them to the sales team.  

One of the most common ways to generate personalized email is to use AI to create email content that you can use instantaneously or save as a template for later use. 

Zixflow contains an AI Wizard using which you can create tailored emails in a matter of seconds.

AI Wizard of Zixflow allows you to create personalized emails in seconds.

Creating professional proposals

Do you wish to be thoroughly professional with your clients and customers? Sales automation is your answer. Sales automation enables you to create quotations and sales proposals in a snap of seconds.

Furthermore, all this happened by the mere entry of basic details of the customers. The proposals would turn out extremely professional, and you would be able to send documents across in no time. 

Analyzing sales calls

Practice makes man perfect and so is the case with sales calls. For running a good business, you must spot the 'good' and 'bad' of a sales call. 

With the help of automation and by implementing sales process automation, you can analyze every sales call through transcription. The automation software would record the sales calls and deeply analyze them using the conversion intelligence tools.

Customize contracts and documents

With sales automation software in your stack, you will never have to bother about generating the right contracts and documents. Sales automation aids in generating agreements and contracts. 

All the terms and conditions would be open to customers right on the spot. For further ease and convenience, you can also have the provision of electronic signatures added to contracts. 

Timely reminders and quick information can be easily generated to send out reminders to customers. With this automation, you get to save a lot of your time and energy.

Reduced cost

As per a survey, 44% of firms that use AI, report a reduction in business costs. 

Software automation saves you not just time but also offers you resources to get more work done. Plus the bonus, everything done is accurate. If you invest in the right automation software, you have one software accomplishing the task of what 50 employees manually perform. 

All required is lead generation and nurturing, as well as, marketing campaigns that can begin work side by side. In merely a few months of implementing automated marketing campaigns, you get leads to shooting out thousands of emails using autopilot software.

Zixflow is a complete salesOS built to manage your sales process without any manual supervision. In addition, it comes with a free 7-day free trial and allows you to pay for only the features that you want to use. 

For instance, you can choose between marketing, XCRM, and One (XCRM + Marketing) depending on business needs.

The pricing structure of Zixflow that lets you get started for free.

Adopt sales automation and streamline your sales operations

Now that you know the benefits, we’re sure you cannot wait to adopt sales automation! 

Sales automation can offer benefits more than you can estimate. Its ability to eliminate manual repetitive tasks and take hours off your working day is incredible. 

Automation of mundane tasks keeps stressful manual situations at bay. Smart choices can make your team more focused and productive. 

If you are looking for assistance with sales automation, you are at the right place. We at Zixflow will gladly offer you all you need to automate your business. So wait no more. Schedule a personalized demo to get your business automated by the best in the market.

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