5 Creative Ways to Use Chatbots for Scaling Sales Enablement

5 creative ways to use chatbots for sales enablement include gathering leads’ data, automating tasks, boosting productivity, 24/7 support, and sales training.

5 Creative Ways to Use Chatbots for Scaling Sales Enablement

Sales enablement plays a critical role in driving business growth, enabling salespeople with the tools and resources they need to succeed. And one of the mediums you can use to accomplish that is by using chatbots. 

Chatbots have emerged as powerful allies for scaling sales enablement efforts. These bots act like virtual assistants that allow you to generate leads and provide personalized support.  

In fact, according to Outgrow, 36% of businesses have adopted chatbots to boost the number of leads, and industry experts say that chatbots can improve sales by up to 67% in general.

With that said, in this blog post, I will explore 5 ways in which you can use chatbots to expand your sales enablement function and boost your bottom line. So, let’s start by understanding what these chatbots are first.

What are chatbots?

“Chatbots represent a new trend in how people access information, make decisions, and communicate.” – Christie Pitts 

Chatbots are AI-powered bots that you can add to your website and your website visitors can then interact with these bots. Chatbots use natural language processing algorithms to understand and interpret inputs, and they provide a relevant output based on predefined rules and machine learning algorithms.

For instance, here is the chatbot embedded in the website of Zixflow. It allows you to send a message, access the help center, and sign up for the application.

An example of a chatbot on the website of Zixflow.

If you also want to add a chatbot to your website, you can do so with superior outbound sales software like Zixflow. Zixflow allows you to create a chatbot by simply filling in multiple fields. You can also customize the appearance of your chatbot by changing background colors to match your brand’s personality. 

Lead capturing form building interface of Zixflow.

That’s not all. The great thing about Zixflow’s Leadbot is that you are not required to have any coding experience. The whole process feels like filling in a form rather than creating a chatbot. Here’s a video to explain the complete process from start to end.

5 ways to use chatbots to scale sales enablement

Chatbots are not just used to interact with your website visitors and besides that’s not the point of this post. The focus of this post is to help you see the different ways chatbots help you in scaling sales enablement. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

Chatbots provide lead details to the sales team

The primary function of a chatbot is to engage with a user and assist them with their issue.  After a user has interacted with the chatbot, it can then ask for personal or contact details for later engagements. 

This information includes the user's name, email address, and in some cases a phone number as well. 

Once the user submits these details to the chatbot, it automatically adds this information to your CRM software, which your sales team can access to understand their issue. 

This functionality is available in Zixflow, a sales engagement platform, allowing your sales team to formulate the correct engagement approach and reach out to the user using a tailored message for maximum satisfaction.

Not just that. Chatbots can ask sales qualifying questions to understand the user's needs, which is important for lead qualification. This enables your sales staff to prioritize leads with higher conversion potential.

Automate sales enablement activities using chatbots

Another use of chatbots is that they can be used to automate sales enablement activities, such as content delivery, scheduling meetings, and sending follow-ups. Chatbots can share relevant content with users based on their issues or specific stages of the sales pipeline.  

For instance, Hiver, a Gmail-based shared-email solution, uses a chatbot to engage with its visitors. Check out below how its chatbot provides relevant content and provides links to the blog if the user requires more information.

Hiver’s chatbot engages its website visitors by providing suitable content that they want to read.

On top of that, chatbots can streamline the process of scheduling a meeting by allowing prospects to book appointments or product demos. By integrating your chat with a calendar, you can give the power to your prospects to book a meeting at their convenience. This will save time for your sales reps as they won’t have to send back-and-forth emails to pick the perfect time.

The chatbot on Zixflow’s website allows visitors to schedule a meeting at their convenience.

Chatbots can help in boosting sales productivity

Chatbots can allow you to improve your sales productivity by intelligently routing leads to the suitable sales rep based on predefined guidelines, like location or product expertise. By using this method of lead distribution, chatbots ensure that leads are promptly assigned to the right agent or department, lowering manual work and enabling quicker response time. 

Furthermore, chatbots let your sales agents engage with potential customers in a more interactive and personalized manner. By offering a conversational interface, chatbots create an engaging experience for prospects. This medium of engagement not just improves the overall customer experience but also helps sales reps to elevate their skills, giving a new meaning to sales engagement.

Vainu, for example, is a business data and analytics solution that developed VainuBot to interact with prospects by having meaningful dialogue. 

Vainu’s chatbot interacts with its prospects by having rich conversations and understanding their needs.(source: REVE Chat)

Enabling 24/7 sales support

Chatbots enable you to provide support to your customers 24/7, contributing to your sales enablement efforts. Chatbots can handle inquiries at any time of the day, including weekends and holidays. This availability ensures that prospects always have access to sales support. 

Plus, by having chatbots take care of preliminary interactions, you allow your sales team to concentrate on important activities that require human interaction, such as handling any objections that prospects might have and closing deals.

Leveraging chatbots for sales training

Finally, you can utilize chatbots to deliver sales training and resources to your sales reps. Chatbots can serve as a platform to answer questions your sales staff might have and offer guides to further facilitate their training.

Salespeople can interact with a chatbot to retrieve particular training materials based on the topic they want to learn more about. This on-demand access to training resources ensures that sales reps have the necessary information at their fingertips to enhance their knowledge and make them capable of handling several types of sales

An example of a chatbot helping in training can be a scenario where you launched a new product. The chatbot can serve as a virtual sales trainer, providing related content and resources to the sales reps. The reps can utilize chatbots to access product information and demo videos to get a better understanding of the product and its features.

Take your sales enablement to the next tier by using chatbots

In this modern era, leveraging technology to improve your sales enablement is crucial. Chatbots are versatile and creative tools to enhance sales productivity and offer round-the-clock support. 

Embracing chatbot technology is no longer a trend, but it is a strategic move toward achieving sales excellence. As your company continues to expand, chatbots stand out as a powerful tool for scaling sales enablement. 

And a salesOS like Zixflow is designed for that. It is hands-down a complete sales platform that lets you not only build chatbots but also automate your sales process. It comes with a sales cadence platform using which you can build sales cadences and automate engagement at every touchpoint.

On top of that, it offers a free-forever version that you can use to your heart's content to test out its functionalities. So, jump on this opportunity and see how its leadbot can help you elevate your sales enablement to another level. 

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